Thank You!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
I just wanted to thank the eight people who took part in the demo at the fitness expo on Saturday. You guys did awesome and definitely put forth the kind of effort that sets you apart from every other kind of program out there. We are truly "the" fitness program. I am happy to work with you guys and to be able to say that you are what makes CrossFit Omaha the place to be. Every other place is just a monthly membership but not us. We are an elite fitness community. See you on Sunday.

As many rounds as possible:
8 Pushups
Rest 40 seconds

Complete eight consecutive pushups, rest 40 seconds, and repeat for as many rounds as possible. Once you have to break up the pushups, the workout is done. If needed, scale the amount of reps but keep the number constant. Reps only count if head is up, chin/chest touch the ground, and the elbows completely lock out. Have fun and post the number of rounds you get to comments.

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4 Responses to "Thank You!"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Hats off to the ladies today! They demonstrated the passion and dedication that makes Crossfit Omaha so addictive.

    10 rounds of push-ups, failed at 6 on the eleventh.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 6 rounds of pushups, then I hit my knees for another two rounds of 16 reps...then I followed with the Saturday workout for 15 mins with all those lunges and squats, I think I mentally quit before my legs gave out - better next time...reba

    Sounds like the Expo went well - which is awesome - CF is addictive, and I haven't even hit 30 days yet!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I was able to complete 24 rounds of 8 pushups and failed on number 6 of round 25. I had my dad keeping track of the 40 seconds and Hannah keeping track of the number of rounds and of course cheering me on. My goal was 15 rounds but after that really wanted to hit 25. My pushups are getting better each and every time I do them and this was a really good Sunday workout. After a few minutes I will be doing Saturday's workout.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. sadly, i did not do as well as i wanted to. i got 11 +6 but i wanted to at least get half of zachs. since my arms are weiny i still do my pushups on my knees.
    as for yesterdays workout, zach and i just finished that one in the drive way. man is it hard to do squats and lunges when its that cold out. i got 10 rounds + squats and 14 lunges. my knees are torn up from touching the cement each lunge though!
    glad to see the expo went well!

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