All Ages!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
The fitness expo, I felt, was a success. If anything, we showed people that there is a better, more holistic way to becoming fit at any age. And in the process how to have a whole lot of fun getting there. As everyone who was there today witnessed, Joe and I have the luxury of working with strong, tough, beautiful, kick-a** women who without a doubt are the face of CrossFit Omaha. You guys inspired a lot of people today and did so like it was just another night at the gym. Thanks for your time and inspiration ladies.

Weightlifting Fun

Rest/Benchmark Day!

How about some c&j or snatch practice tonight? It's up to you on what you want to do but don't the videos above make you want to go at it.

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12 Responses to "All Ages!"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Fun videos... I find myself liking the Olympic lifts more and more.

    Won't be in tonight - work is really getting in the way of my free time - but I'll be sure to make it in tomorrow. I could probably use another rest day anyways... my hamstrings are feeling a little rough.
  3. paul Says:
  4. Everyone looked good today. Lots of brutal workouts going on! Karabel: 18:52 (88# for snatches).
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. i did the pistol squats-split jerk(25lbs) workout. it was 18-2, 16-4, ect. finished in 17:20. tough, but fun. i can finally do the pistol squats with my right leg without assistance, my left one is a little slow:( i'm gonna have some brutal bruises from those tire rolls, josh.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. pistol/squat-splits in 19:57 - - my quads were definitely fired after that workout - definitely lots of hardwork going around.....i admit its much harder to slack off when other people are around working their tails off - great job everyone....reba
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. "Karabel"
    10 rounds
    3 full snatches(110#)
    15 wall balls


    I was very happy to not only get all 10 rounds of 110# snatches but also to finish under 20 minutes. I couldn't have done it without Paul and Connor rooting me on. Thanks guys, you were both kicking ass.
  11. kahrs Says:
  12. Karabel 20:10, tried my best to get it in under 20 but the last snatch rep took 4 attempts.

    Kylie you told me to push you around in the tire, I think you should have used more hip activation to lock yourself inplace. Hope the bruises aren't too bad.
  13. zj Says:
  14. 10 rounds of 15 135lb deads and 15 pushups. 20:01
  15. Nick Says:
  16. did Cindy

    5 pull ups
    10 push ups
    15 air squats

    as many as possible in 20 minutes.

    One of my Xfit goals has been to get 20 rounds of Cindy so I thought I would give it a go today. Fell a little short. got 18 rounds and 5 pullups and 6 pushups. For you chemistry fans out there, the pushups were definitely the limiting reagent in this equation. 186 in 20 minutes was brutal but damn it I really want to get 200 (20 rounds). in hindsight (after I failed to reach my goal) I wish I would have done the snatch/wall ball WOD b/c it looked like a lot of fun and I could have used the snatch work. Oh well, great job everyone!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. This one almost killed me! I did the snatches and wall ball workout today I used the green bumpers. I needed a lot of coaching today and kept shifting my weight to my toes, even during wall balls! by round 6 my lower back was screaming, but I was determined to finish. I didn't check the clock, but I was between 25 and 30 mins. I started to fell a little better about the snatches towards the end, but it's still an awkward move for me.

    Can't wait for tomorrow!!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. I did Karabel.

    This was my first time with this movement and it was a little awkward. I also learned in round 9 that I was supposed to complete a full squat on or after the I cheated a bit. I used 75#. Didn't break up my wallballs on any of the sets.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Nice job to everyone. Worked really hard, especially Zach with 110 on the snatches, Pretty good...
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. I did the pistol squats-split jerk25lbs for most of it, then went down to 20lbs for the last 2 or 3 sets of split jerks workout. it was 18-2, 16-4, ect. finished in God only knows....I was just happy to finish. Thanks Joe for the encouragement and help on that one. I was happy to finish and use the 25lbs for the majority of the split jerks. Need to work on keeping my core tight so my back doesn't hurt. The pistols were just that...real pistols :) I only counted the ones that I didn't fall on my arse...more to work on!!

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