Sevan Vs. Jolie

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Check out the main site affiliate blog. They posted the video of Jordan Homan and I doing bodyweight Fran (15-12-9). I will be editing the original video for explanation of what is going on and then post it to this site, hopefully by the end of the day.

You guys remember the Ass Whooping Chronicles that were posted on the main site not too long ago? We'll, in light of this weekend's competition as well as everyone working their butt's off these past few weeks we are going to do the workout Sevan and Jolie battled it out over. It isn't terribly difficult but can be should you come out of the gates with your guns firing. Also because we have done thrusters like a billion times in the last month we are going to replace the thrusters with sumo deadlift high pulls with the weight remaining at 75lbs. I want you to have fun with this one and just sprint through it as though you only have one round in the workout. Let's see who can crush this workout.

Ass Whooping: One World, Part I...[wmv][mov]
Ass Whooping: One World, Part II...[wmv][mov]
Ass Whooping: One World, Part III...[wmv][mov]

5 Rounds for time:
7 Pullups
7 SDLHP (75lbs.)
7 Burpees

One other thing, I heard through the grapevine that our new t-shirts are being shipped out tomorrow. I hope you are excited about getting your hands on one (or two) as I am.

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16 Responses to "Sevan Vs. Jolie"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I was going to take Thursday off, but this workout looks so fun that I may take Friday as a rest day instead.
  3. kahrs Says:
  4. Ricky awesome job on the Body Weight Fran video on the Affiliate Site, that was some persistance.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Well I have no clue what a sumo high pull deadlift is - but i will be there - the name alone makes me want to show up!....rebecca
  7. Erin K. Says:
  8. I have night class so I can't come tonight. But I am going to go to Gold's and do the workout. I won't have access to training plates so I will have to do thrusters instead of SDLHP. Ill post my time tonight.
  9. paul Says:
  10. Nice Bodyweight Fran vid, Ricky! That's awesome!

    Need to rest today, but I wish I could do this one with you guys. I would just suck it up and come in, but I don't want to ruin myself for saturday.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. So is it better to rest on Thursday and workout Friday before a big day on Saturday, or better to workout Thursday and rest Friday before a big day on Saturday? Would be helpful to know so I can be at my best for the crossfit total.
  13. Melissa B Says:
  14. round 2 things were swaying and i'm pretty sure with one more round you all would have seen my qudoba too :)...I won't be there tomorrow or Sat. b/c of the race but KICK ASS you guys have earned it!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Blas Says:
  16. I'm out of town for work. I hope everyone has a great workout.

    See you all Saturday.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. today was creepily enjoyable. i am glad zach dragged my ass out of bed. i dont even know how long it took me. i blacked out a little at the end. by the end of april i am determined to not have anything scaled though.
    great job to everyone today! conner and zach really pulled it out! ang, way to go above and beyond.
  19. Erin K. Says:
  20. I did thrusters(50lbs) instead of SDLHP and jump pull ups since I didnt have a rubberband to scale my pull ups and of course the wonderful burpees! I did 5 rounds in 10:53.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 6:08 - My lungs and forearms were on fire. I need to really work on my Burpee's to improve. Great work everyone!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 7:10 with scaled pullups - felt pretty awkward on the SLDHP thingy - that felt a little off, but its like doing anything for the first time - overall the pullups kicked my *ss - at least I didn't have to think about the burpees, you just pray you get back up instead of passing out - - I'm with ya Hannah - end of April no scaling would be awesome! - nice work everyone - reba
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 7:54. that was hard.
  27. kahrs Says:
  28. 6:17 This was fun, I just need to take shorter breaks and push through. Everyone pushed really hard.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. 5:38 Used 88# on the SDHP. Took more time with burpees than normal because of my shoulder. I think this actually helped my overall time as I had to take less rest overall. I always enjoy a good quick, hard ass workout.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 9:29 Used 65# I think,I was not thrilled with my time, but I did get higher than ever with my pullups, on the first 3 rounds. I also can feel myself getting stronger with my pushups too. I am sure next time my numbers will be better!

    Good work everyone.

    Good Luck to Melissa and Kylie on your run Saturday, we will miss ya!

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