Firefighting Firebreather

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Omaha firefighter Jeremy Knott crushing Wednesday's workout. The 6:30pm class was told they only had to do 5 rounds but Jeremy took it upon himself to blast through those first 5 rounds and proceeded to finish the workout as prescribed, which was 10 rounds. Keep up the intensity Jeremy.

Midwest CrossFit Challenge
As you know, the first two events of the Midwest Challenge takes place this Saturday. We will have a good crowd on hand participating and having lots of fun doing what we do. The CrossFit Total will start off the day's activities at 10am with the surprise benchmark WOD following at 3pm. For both events we will be hosting a rules meeting half an hour before the event starts. These meetings are not required but will help with understanding what is expected of each athlete during each event and how judging will take place during the CFTotal. We need all participants to check-in and register as soon as possible as the general warm-up prior to starting the specific warm-up will take place right at 10am and 3pm. We will have medals (1st -3rd) for both events (both novice and elite) and the weight separation for the CFTotal in the male division is set at 189lbs. and below and of course 190lbs. and above. There are no weight classes in the female division. In order to qualify for the "Overall Male" and "Overall Female" awards (both novice and elite) you must participate in all 4 events. We will have plenty of food available after the second event for everyone so be sure to stick around.

Benchmark WODs (the Girls)
Joe, Jeff, Ichiro, and I will be each doing a girl benchmark on Saturday for your amusement. We figure that if you guys have to work hard on Saturday we should partake in some fun as well. After the CrossFit Total (hopefully by noon) we will break for lunch, but if you are interested we will start the first workout around 1:15pm. Come and see your CrossFit coaches get some.

Joe - 30 Muscle-ups for Time
Jeff - "Christine"
Ichiro - "Isabel"
Ricky - "Fran"

In light of Saturday's events, tonight's workout will consist of skill work on how the CrossFit Total will go down. We will go over all three lifts (Squat, Press, Deadlift), what is required of each attempt for it to count, and how to pick your weights. In addition, we will answer any questions you may have about taking part in this event.

We reserve the right to assign a WOD at the end of the skill work so be prepared.

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