Finally, Some Rest

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Everyone did really well last night with the power snatches. Blas got 154lbs. overhead so that was pretty sick. Anyways, tomorrow will be a good day for rest and if you were here Monday and Tuesday you should probably take the day off. If you come in, depending on who you are, we'll take it easy on you and probably just work on some things we need to work on. We'll keep the reps low and the weight light. Maybe we'll bring the rings down and work on some muscle-up technique if you want. Whatever we do we'll take it down a notch, unless of course you missed Monday.

April Fool's

I know that it is a day late for this but you have got to see this video. It is so true what they are saying.

CrossFit Catalyst Rebuilding Aimee Video - [wmv] [mov]

NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta love those guys at Catalyst.

Rest/Benchmark Day

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7 Responses to "Finally, Some Rest"

  1. Melissa B Says:
  2. 10 rounds of 10 dead lifts, 10 push-ups, 10 kbs...14:52....only broke up the push-ups
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I only broke up the push-ups as well. I got done with 10 rounds in 16 and some change. And my shins are f***ed!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 19:29 as RX'd. I was shooting for under 15:00, but by the end was just glad to finish under 20:00. I'm a little bummed, because I thought I'd be able to make it through the DL's without breaking them up, but I ended up breaking them up into sets of about half way through. I'm taking tomorrow off, but I'll see you all on Friday! Great job today everyone!!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 10 rounds
    10 Deadlifts (135#)
    10 pushups
    10 KB swings (1.5 pood)


    Like Jimmy, my goal was 15 minutes which quickly changed to 20 minutes after the first 5 rounds. I did not break up the sets for the first 5 rounds which killed me for the next 5 rounds.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 6 rounds with 8 pushups - 8:00 something.....honestly felt like i had another round or two in me, but its hard to figure out where to start - i should have kept going until i had to break up sets - next time....but ten rounds of that is crazytown! you guys rocked - - reba
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. First of all...thanks for all the encouragement at the end by everyone...I heard you..and it got me to the finish!

    10 Rounds in 23+ minutes
    10 DL 135# (no break-ups)
    10 Push up (broke up after round 3)
    10 KB ,3 @ 1.5 pood, 7 @ 1 pood (broke up after round 5)
  13. paul Says:
  14. Nice work, everyone. That was a tough one. 14:15.

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