Secret Sauce

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
I was on HyperFit's (CrossFit Ann Arbor) website the other day and ran across this recent post of theirs. It explains how we affiliates feel about what we are doing and the idea of people stealing from us. You know, because we post our workouts online and have free videos of how to perform the movements. Joe and I know that CrossFit is growing at an alarming rate all over the country and it is only a matter of time before the next affiliate opens here in Omaha. I am not afraid of this and actually would encourage it. CrossFit is only a name and the teaching that goes on here at CrossFit Omaha is what separates us from anyone else in the area. I will encourage you to go anywhere else before coming to us and then realize that the reason you want to come to us is first, we offer the one and only true fitness program on the planet but secondly, Joe and I are worth every penny we charge (I totally believe in that), and finally and most importantly, we have athletes who work hard and are awesome to hang out with. It's a community that you'll want to belong to. I love this sh**! But even more so, I love teaching this sh**. Our clients are our results. Look at them. Look at what we are producing and look at what other places are doing. This is where it's at. Don't take my word for it though.

Here is the post from HyperFit's website. Enjoy.

Secret Sauce?

A friend of mine sent me an email the other day commenting on how we post our workouts and videos of our training online. His comment to me was, aren't you worried about someone copying or stealing our training or training ideas? What occurred to me was that if someone can actually take the ideas and training from our site and derive benefit from it I hope that they do.

Take a look at the advertising and general marketing shtick of other fitness sites, they never really talk about fitness or actually show any people working out, they will show pictures of fitness models or equipment, but never actual training. They talk about working on your problem areas or 15 days and 15 pounds or something else equally ridiculous. They really do not define fitness for that matter. The idea is to get people into their facilities with the idea that they have some "secret sauce" to offer, sign a contract and you will end up having life of eternal joy. The secret sauce is the shiny lure to trick the fish signing a three year contract.

There is no secret sauce. We all know what the sauce is for good health: Hard work. Working hard in your training, eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep. The work out our people do is public and in the open. It shows hard work. I've often said if you can find a better program; show me, I will copy theirs. It is the highest compliment I could pay someone's programming. We have adopted CrossFit and CrossFit principals because it is the best and most useful I have been able to find. CrossFit is in the open and readily available to anyone who is willing to try and seek mastery of movements and take the time to become the best trainer they can. Most people seek the quick and easy path, the short course or the cliff notes.

In directing this back to my friend's concerns, about someone stealing my programming, if it is worth stealing, steal it, borrow it, modify it, do whatever it is to make it your own, because it is worth stealing. The real fear people have when they say they have the " secret sauce" is that deep down they know the real fear is that they will be exposed that their ideas and training are not at all worth stealing.

"Foul-Mouthed Forty"
40 Double Unders
40 Box Jumps (24")
40 Wall Balls (20#/15#)
Rope Climb, 2 Ascents
40 Hang Power Snatch (empty bar)
40 KB Swings (1 pood)
40 Med Ball Clean & Jerk (20#/15#)
400 meter run

Have fun with this one and scale where necessary. Post time to comments.

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16 Responses to "Secret Sauce"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. As for the article, you guys are awesome at what you do and that is why cross-fit is growing so fast here in Omaha. You have the work ethic, the technique skills, the personal skills, and the teaching skills to make this work. I would like to see any true athlete try any other trainers and expect to get half the results that they could get with you guys (Or have half the fun!!). You care so much about your athletes, and congratulations on your success this far! It's well deserved! Thanks Ricky and Joe for everything you do!
  3. Dave Paladino Says:
  4. Joe and Ricky you guys are doing a great job, I can't stop talking about crossfit to everyone I meet. I just have one little problem. I have a job-actually several. And they are getting in the way of comming to cross fit. I am in Winnipeg tonight and tomarrow. I hate to admit it -I am going to have to miss tomarrow too. On top of that I leave town on Thursday night and will miss Thursday and friday. Don't give up on me, I will get back in the grove and make you proud. Crystal, I got your message, I was working Satruday. After Steve told me about it I wished I would have skipped it.
  5. SharkBait Says:
  6. You guys really are the best. You opened my eyes as to what fitness really is. Looking forward to the day when I can come back and train with you.


    Fran: 3:29
  7. paul Says:
  8. Couldn't agree more with what you say, Ricky! CF Omaha is an amazing community, and you and Joe (and Jeff and Ichiro) are amazing trainers and teachers and role models. You can't put a price on the kind of devotion you guys have to your clients, let alone your ability to help us continually improve in technique, strength--and all areas of fitness. I can't imagine having any more fun doing this $h!t than I already am.

    Can't make it in today, but tomorrow I'll be back with a vengeance.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Great article - !!! The WOD today looks ridiculous - can't wait to try it -I haven't climbed a rope since 6th grade!! I love trying new things and tonight there are three exercises on there that I have not done in a workout yet - - see you guys later - reba
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I am so excited for tonight, I have never done a rope climb, and now I get to do 2!! I have been working on double unders too, so hopefully I can get the rope with the silver handles and I will rock 'em! See you all tonight.
  13. Melissa B Says:
  14. foul mouthed forty is right...16:47 and some dry heaves afterwards...thanx to Zach for keeping me going on the run!!! GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!!!!!!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 23:22. i did the boy bar with the snatches and that could have been a mistake because it took me forever to get through them!! i only took a break like...39 times. overall, this was a great, challenging workout! great job everyone, especially angela who kicked ass with this one!
  17. Blas Says:
  18. First of all, I apologize for not being able to make it for the past few days. An injury at the games this past weekend kept me out yesterday and work is stopping me from being there tonight.

    Secondly, after reading that article Ricky posted, I believe 110% there aren't any better trainers than ours. Ricky, Joe and sometimes Jeff and Ichiro are outstandind are their knowledge is worth every damn penny! Not only has Crossfit Omaha been a huge success for all of us involved, but if that doesn't convince you, take a look at the teams they train. Wrestling (3 National titles in the last 5 years); Football (Conference Champs); Baseball (made DII CWS last year)... the list only continues.

    So, let someone steal the workouts and complete our WOD's; they still won't be able to do 30 muscle ups in 5:07 or Fran in 2:42.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Great workout - Loved it!! Those freaking double unders though!!! -time of....26:something...and completed the 40 reps on each one, one rope climb and the other I did the four scaled pullrope...reba - -
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 17:07

    would have liked a faster time by about a minute but those damn clean and jerks took forever. I really liked this workout and felt like i took fewer breaks than if I would have done this same workout 2 months ago. As long as I keep improving I am happy. It is always easier when everyone around me is pushing as hard as they can.
  23. Nick Says:
  24. 12:35. This one was an ass kicker. that week off and the crappy lunch that i ate made me almost yak 'em after the run. i agree that the clean and jerks took forever. This one was awesome though. It was great to see everyone again and great work!!!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. I did 30 DU's in a row tonight! I could have done more but my pants were coming off... This WOD was great. It was tough and kicked my ass, but I loved it. I got 17:22 I think.
    I will agree with everyone else about Joe, Ricky, Ichiro and Jeff. You guys are amazing. I could not ask for a better team looking after us. Thanks for everything!
    Thanks Kylie
  27. paul Says:
  28. even though i wasn't there, i feel the love! wish i could've done this one with y'all.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. I totally jinxed myself on this one, talking about rope climbs and double unders and being excited....never again!! This one kicked my arse!! My time sucked 28:35 yes you read that right, in the time it takes you to watch I sitcom, I was still trying to finish. I know there is TONS of room for improvement, and I look forward to seeing this one again.

    I cannot agree more with all the comments about Ricky, Joe, (Ichiro and Jeff) you guys are fantastic at what you do. Before xfit I would get a personal trainer and never saw any results. They did not have the passion, and knowledge like you guys, they were only concered with time restrictions and buying my next sessions...booo! I am doing things I never thought I would and it is all because of your training and encouragement. Thanks so much, you guys under promise and over deliver.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 17:20 - Really struggled on the C&J
    Crossfit Omaha has redefined my thoughts on fitness. You have shown me that fitness is a holistic endeavor that includes excercise, nutrition and community. I only wish I would have met all of you sooner.

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