Half the Battle

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
The first half of the Midwest CrossFit Challenge is over and done with but there is still two events left and the overall winners have yet to be decided. The picture is a little bit clearer on who has a leg up on the competition but it's anyones game at this point. Joe and I feel that Saturday was a huge success and hope to have even more competitors on the 26th. Use these next few weeks to ready yourself for the hopper and the 4K Run as you now know what to expect. In the next week we will try and get some video edited and sent in to the main site. If you have any pictures that you would like us to have please send them our way and we'll put them on our CrossFit Omaha Flickr account as well as on our site.

Edited Bodyweight Fran Video

FitO!maha Expo
We now turn our attention to this weekends fitness expo. Joe and I are excited to get the word out there about us and the things we are doing and so we need your help in doing so. We have a bunch of you signed up and if you haven't signed up and would like to, just let Joe, Candice, or I know and we'll get you taken care of. We should have our new shirts in sometime this week and will be sporting them at the expo. It should be a lot of fun. For more information (location, vendors, etc) visit the expo's website at:

If you haven't already done so, this is just a reminder that April's membership fees are due. Thanks.

15-12-9-6-3 (Scaled reps - 12-9-6-3-1)
Strict Pullups
Weighted Pushups (20%BW/15%BW)

If you have trouble with both pushups and strict pullups but are able to do them you may use the scaled rep version. If you cannot do a true strict pullup, you may use a band but the reps must be doubled from the scaled rep range above (12 = 24, 9 = 18, etc). Pushup are to be done with a load that comes as close to matching your bodyweight multiplied by the percentage listed above (BW=100, 100x.20=20lbs.)

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6 Responses to "Half the Battle"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. wow, today looks like a kick ass workout. i am sorry i wont be able to make it. (damn chemistry test!)see you all tomorrow!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Did the workout at the YMCA this morning.

    Pull Ups = RX
    Push Ups = 2x reps, 0 lbs
    16:30 min.

    You will be happy to know that I got some funny looks from the YMCA crowd, when I was telling myself to get another pull-up!!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. that was really lot of fun! i loved the change of pace! i did the push-ups with 22 lbs and those pull-ups were pretty intense, but finally got through the whole thing at somewhere around 27 minutes.
  7. paul Says:
  8. Great work everyone. That one will definitely make us stronger. My lats are already sore. I finished with 14:03 left on the clock (so I guess that makes 25:57).
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 13:05 as Rx'd and then did 6 sets of 5 of each. Used 33# for the weighted pushups. This was exactly the kind of workout i was hoping for after the crossfit challenge.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I didn't check my time. I'm just glad I finished! I got through the first set of pull ups without a band, but had to start using one on the second round. I'm surprised I got that many strict pull ups though. When I started in October I couldn't do any!!

    Push ups were as RX'd and I used a #45 plate.

    I agree with Zach about this being the perfect workout after this weekend. I can't wait for tomorrow!

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