
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Look at Trent showing us how it's done. This guy has only been with us a few weeks and has already seen tremendous improvements. Keep up the great work.

If you guys are in the mood (not too sore) we are all going to Summer Kitchen Cafe on 3685 North 129th Street at 10am to have some post-workout pancakes. Type in the address into google maps if you are not sure where it's at. We have a few people going so feel free to join us if you are not tired of being around us already. See you there (or on Monday).

In light of yesterday's awesome work ethic, take one more rest day. You guys deserve it. Go and hang out with the family, friends, and/or anyone that makes you happy. I want to thank all of our helpers with counting reps, judging lifts, and/or organizing each lift/lifter during the CFTotal. You guys made it happen and we thank you for it.

See you on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2 Responses to "Pushups"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Thanks to everyone who made yesterday possible--the coaches, the counters, and the competitors! It was a great time. I was so proud just to be a part of it!
  3. A Says:
  4. You guys were a sight to behold! What an impressive group of athletes! Way to go!

    Althought it's late, I want to wish Melissa and Kylie the best of luck in their race!

    Good to see you all...hope to be back soon!

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