Push - Pull

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Midwest Challenge this Saturday. Be there or be square.

For those not competing on Saturday you will be doing the WOD below. If you are competing this weekend you have the choice of doing the workout below working on skills such as muscle-ups, pistol squats, walking with weight overhead, etc. (Fun little challenges that won't affect the weekend.)

Nice job on the box jumps last night. Hope everyone had fun.

Variation of "Lynne" (no time limit)
5 Rounds for max reps
Bodyweight bench press

Our variation will be max reps of both exercises but with two tries (no more than 20 seconds between attempts), followed by a 3-5 minute rest period between each round. This means that when doing bench press you have an opportunity to rack the bar once, resting no more than 20 seconds and then un rack it and continue in order to maximize your rep count. The same goes for pullups. You may do as many pullups as you can, jump off (no more than 20 seconds), then jump back on and add to the reps.

Scaling on the bench press will only be allowed to 85, 75, or 65 percent of bodyweight. Meaning, if you can't do bodyweight you will choose one of the above percents of your bodyweight. So for 120lbs. you have the choice of bench pressing 120, 102, 90, or 78lbs. I hope this makes sense to all of you. I will explain it better in class tonight.

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6 Responses to "Push - Pull"

  1. Steve Says:
  2. i am looking forward to this one. i think i finally got the pullups down, and i love bench press- no technique or complicated moves- just press.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I will not be there tonight or tomorrow for all the festivities. I want to wish everyone good luck tomorrow and will see you all on Monday. Also, you are welcome for the hopper exercies. Jeff and myself picked a couple of good ones. Again, Good Luck to everyone tomorrow.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Bench- two rounds combined for each one: 20, 13, 14, 12, 12
    Pull-ups- one round each- 21, 22, 16, 16, 16
    Time:all of the 5:30 class and the majority of the 6:30 one as well.

    Had a blast! See you all tomorrow!!!
  7. Steve Says:
  8. 1st round: 17 bench - 17 pullups
    2. 16 - 16
    3. 13 - 13
    and since i had a pattern going...
    4. 11 - 11
    5. 3 - 3
    it's amazing how fast that dropped off for the final round.
  9. paul Says:
  10. Tough one--decided to drop from BW bench to about 85% after round 2. Did strict pullups. Don't remember all my numbers, but they weren't what I wanted them to be.

    I'm stoked for tomorrow!
  11. zj Says:
  12. 6,5,20,12

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