Paul Getting It DoneI

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Midwest Overhead Squat!!

I only got to watch the 5:30 group last night but man was that a sight to see. I saw some good looking clean & jerks and some even better pullups and pushups. Everyone was huffing and puffing and working like crazy. There is a little saying by Coach Glassman that goes "If the form is not breaking down you aren't going hard enough." He also says, "If you will not take your intensity past where your form goes bad, the INTENSITY WILL NEVER DEVELOP." Now what does this all mean? It means that efficiency of movement drives faster times but that efficiency should come without you thinking about it, like second nature. But! But! Sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind and try and go as hard as you can, irregardless of the technique. I mean if you are confident and have practiced the technique well, you'd be surprised by how much it doesn't break down but actually gets better as the workout progresses. You'll never know though if you don't go all out. I am saying this because this was the perfect workout for this. A lot of you were just going so hard that the cleans and pullups were just happening, they were getting better. Forget perfect technique. Perfect technique is slow and causes you to think too much. I am not talking range of motion here. Don't ever cut that short but you get my drift. Go hard and do it right and see how much your technique gets better. I saw a lot of that last night and I want to see more of it. Congratulations to everyone who came last night and attempted "Grindy." An even bigger hand to those that finished in the 20 minute time limit. But we all got to give it up to the ones who finished the fastest, with the heaviest weights even. Paul at 17:56 as Rx'd and Libby at 12:30 as Rx'd. You guys were smoking. Job well done.

How bout going from a workout with tons of complexity to a workout with almost no complexity? How fast can you go now?

50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds for time
20" Box Jumps

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1 Response to "Paul Getting It DoneI"

  1. A Says:
  2. Aaargh. Wish I could be there for this one. Will try to figure out the logistics at home. Good luck everyone!!!

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