Day 2

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Midwest CrossFit Challenge Benchmark - "Nancy"

We would like to welcome our guests to the second day of our Midwest CrossFit Challenge. We are excited to have you compete with and against us. It will be a fun filled day of working out, having fun, and eating food. The hopper starts at 10:15AM with registration beginning at 9AM. We will begin a with a general group warm-up at 9:50 followed immediately by a warm-up with the exercises being used in the hopper. We will then organize the workout into 3 heats with novice female starting at 10:15 followed by both novice male and elite female, and ending with the elite male category. The workout will have a 15 minute cutoff time. After the elite male division finishes, we will award medals to the top three in all four divisions. We will then break for a short lunch. After lunch, Joe, Jeff, and myself will be attempting "Helen" by doing one round a piece. This means the fastest 400's we can muster followed by a set of 21 swings and 12 pullups. We will get it on film and challenge people from other CrossFit's to try and match or better our time. It will be a lot of fun. At 3PM we will conclude the competition with about a 4K (or 2.5 mile) run on campus. The course we have mapped out will be ran twice in order to cover the 2.5 mile distance. After the conclusion of the run we will again award medals to the top three place winners but only in two divisions, a male division and a female division.

Once the competition ceases, we would like to invite you, pending the weather, stay afterwards for some hamburgers, chicken, fruit, chips, booze, and bragging rights as the overall winners will be anounced.

It should be an awesome day, rain or shine, and we hope you can make it, whether it's to compete, help count reps, or just to witness some elite fitness being forged.

Midwest CrossFit Challenge

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3 Responses to "Day 2"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Only one word to describe today: NASTY!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. This was awesome! I had so much fun today and it seems like I am not the only one who felt that way. Thanks again to Ricky and Joe for putting it all together. Great job everyone!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Today was really great! The 4k wasn't as great, and I wish I hadn't been sick earlier in the week, but overall I had a really good time. I get so motivated by you guys. See you guys on Monday!!

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