Center of Attention

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
At last night's wrestling banquet, this guy was turning heads every where he went. All grown up at almost 4. What a stud!

Missing You
There are two people that I would like to mention here. First, Melissa B. You have been an awesome part of CrossFit Omaha and it definitely will not be the same without you. I know it's only a month and the month will be up before we know it but so that we are clear on this, Joe and I are not happy about it. You are a bona fide crossfitting firebreather and I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with you everytime you come in. Have fun in Phoenix (pronounced Pa-hone-ix) and we'll see you soon.
The next person I want to say something about is Candice. Candice has been with us only for a short time and has had an enormous impact on our business. She will also be leaving us but on a permanent basis as she is moving to Pheonix for good. She will do awesome in AZ and will be a great asset to whoever she works with. Our business has become even more solid because of Candice due to her personable personality and attention to detail. Joe and I are soo busy these days and she takes care of all the little things that we just wouldn't be able to take care of. Even though she isn't leaving for a couple of weeks, Joe and I are already dreading that fateful day. Thanks Candice as we appreciate everything you have brought to our little company, you are awesome.

UNO women's athletics is holding it's annual Women's Walk this morning and so parking will be at a premium. I would recommend, since the day will be nice, parking in the park and walking up or you can try and find a spot on campus. You can also drive up the access road next to the weightroom door and park by the football field.

For time:
Broad Jump 50 yards counting the number of reps
2 Rounds of:
Lunge that many times alternating legs, maximizing stride
Burpee that many reps
20" Box Jump that many reps
Air Squat that many reps

Post time and number of jumps to comments.

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3 Responses to "Center of Attention"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. 6:51

    50 yards took me 19 jumps. My legs are absolutely shot after Thursday and today. Excited for a rest day tomorrow.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 7:00
    50 yds = 18 jumps

    Ricky/Zach - We didn't discuss the game plan for the make-up Hopper and 4K. I am still in for Sunday if you want or we can rescedule for sometime next week. Ricky call me, or post what you want us to do.
  5. Addi Says:
  6. 12:something? Don't really remember...
    Reps of 21. This one hit me hard. My pushups were pretty weak today, so the burpees really took it out of me.

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