Shannon Strong!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Big Jeff, post-workout!

Midwest CrossFit Challenge
This weekend is the second installment of our very own CrossFit challenge. It's anyone's race and this Saturday we will crown winners in both the hopper style WOD and the 4K run. We will also find out our overall winners. Come and join us for some fun, competition, and food. The first installment was a huge success and this one looks to be even better. Contact us with any questions or if you are interested in competing or helping out with judging, etc.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
2 Pood (70lb DB) KB Swings (1.5 pood/55lb DB for ladies)
Handstand Pushups

Scale where necessary. To scale handstand pushups shorten the range of motion with abmats or use a band. If you can't use prescribed weights on the swings try and go as heavy as you can handle.

Post time to comments.

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13 Responses to "Shannon Strong!"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. this one looks fun! paul, those handstand push-ups are waiting for you!! see you all tonight!
  3. paul Says:
  4. yeah, it looks awesome. funny you should say that, Kylie--Hills and i started practicing handstand holds last night after too much wine...
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. well, paul, i'm excited to see your progress.
  7. Addi Says:
  8. Can't believe I have to miss this one. (Undergoing a total rehaul of the next 3 weeks' plans... GRRRR) I'm a sucker for a handstand pushup.... Will have to fit this one in on a rest day.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Awesome grunting going on tonight! Nothing like hearing the sound of hard work to keep me going - the first round felt pretty good, then after about 7 on the 2nd round and I started seeing stars and doing the reps in sets of 3 and 4 - the last round went alot faster and better than the 2nd round......and so I felt guilty that everyone else was working so much harder that I did an extra round of 9.....out of sheer guilt! You guys rocked! reba (Scaled KB at 40LBs and scaled handstands with the band)
  11. paul Says:
  12. everyone really impressed me tonight! nice work! i did 15-12-9 for the HSPUs. finished a little over 23 mins. tough. but really glad to work on those--i can't wait to be able to do full ROM!
  13. Nick Says:
  14. 16:40 for 21-15-9 using two ab mats for the HSPUs. pretty brutal but good stuff. great work everyone!

    Oh yeah, forgot to post my push press max and Karabel from friday.

    push press = 225
    Karabel = 12:40 using 132 for snatches.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I finished 21-15-9 in 13 something, but I started 2.5 minutes late in the second group so I don't know if that was figured into my time... whatever. I used the 1.5 pood for swings and that was heavy! Good job everyone!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Great workout today! I was really worried today because I'm not comfortable with HSPU's or KB Swings, but They ended up feeling pretty good. I scaled the HSPUs by reducing reps to 15-12-9 and had 2 ab mats on the floor for ROM. I finished in 15:xx I can't remember the seconds. I can't wait till I can do this without scaling.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. I love adult gym class day. I felt like a kid and watching Kylie and Jimmy working on the tumbling was great.

    Did 15-12-9 with the ab mats and 59# for 21-15-9 on the KB's. Not sure what my time was as I was having too much fun.

    Great work Conner on the HSPU!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. jeff, you're right, i felt like a kid, too! loved this! thanks jimmy for helping me with my handstand technique. one of these days, i shall master them! i thought my arms were going to fall off by the end of this. they didn't. did the half H-P's, 1st times without the bands. the kettleball was heavy, but i made it through without breaking it up. 11 something, i think.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. 21-15-9 on both 2 pood KB swings and HSPUs with 2 ab mats. I finished around 6:09. I didn't break up any of the swings and my HSPUs went 10,11 8,7 5,4. This was my first time trying HSPUs and enjoyed them. The limited range of motion really worked in my favor as I tried one with full range of motion and there was no chance of getting it. It is always more fun working out with a group of people working hard and having fun at the same time.
  25. kahrs Says:
  26. 18:50
    Swings 21-15-9 Unbroken
    HSPU 15-12-9 Broken a lot

    Swings were fun liked the heavier weight. HSPU took a lot of work, I could have gone deeper but felt like I would have collapsed in the later reps. This was fun watching everyone work hard and get better the more reps we did.

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