
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Saturday's 9am class warming up for some oh squats and burpees.

"Tabata This"

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is a one minute rest between exercises.

Post the total of the weakest round of reps from each exercise from all 32 intervals to comments. For example, if 6 pullups, 9 pushups, 15 situps, and 20 squats are your weakest rounds then your score would be 50 (a good score btw).

Compare to 041207

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15 Responses to "Warm-up"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Today was my first Tabata workout ever. It was really fun, but I should have pushed myself more. here's the breakdown:

    pull ups: 4
    push ups: 5
    sit ups : 10
    squats: 10

    Total score: 29

    At least I know for next time. See you guys on Wed!
  3. kahrs Says:
  4. 5,6,14,15=40
    Probably could have went 7 on push ups, 6 on pullups, squats need to work on knee extension more at high speed reps. Better than last time is all I remember.
  5. Nick Says:
  6. 7,7,10,15 = 39 definitely could have done more sit ups and squats. will keep this in mind for next time.

    by the way, that party was crossfit people need to learn how to loosen up and have some fun! haha, had a great time, thanks Paul.
  7. Melissa B Says:
  8. 5,6,15,15...could have done more on and learn
    ahh nick...atleast we didn't smack our heads on the ceiling in a Ninetendo rage and you are one of those Crossfit people :) but I agree fun times Paul...thanx
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. pull-ups-6 -one short on the last round from making 7:(
    could have pushed the squats more, and maybe have gotten one more on the sit-ups. i really don't think i could have done any more as push-ups, as i had several close near-miss-face-smacks on the floor. great job everyone!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. That was tough but it felt great to clean out. Was it just me or did the weight room smell like alcohol after the 5:30 and 6:30 groups?


    Total 54
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Way to go guys! Everyone did awesome.

    Pull-Ups 2 (did 4 kipping for 6 rounds and then dropped to 2 for 7 & 8, that did not make me very happy!)
    Push-ups 4
    Sit-ups 10
    Squats 18

    This one was fun. It was kinda hard to pick a number, but it shows me where i am.

    Paul, your party was awesome! we had a great time and you are an amazing cook. Thanks Jimbo for showing Damian how to play Mario Brothers! Nick, you did a great job reading from those hilarious books Paul had. I have never laughed so hard!!
  15. paul Says:
  16. bigfoot glad friends like party. next time win dr. mario, or smash head with rock. (ceiling not work.)

    you guys are all so much fun. all i did was open the door--you did the rest!

    my socre today was 43, up 6 from last time. 8, 7, 13, 15. my pushups really suffer after about round 5. that's the killer.
  17. Melissa B Says:
  18. OK guys...this is a shameless plug...Kylie and I are being auctioned off like pork chops on Friday at the Jay (for a good cause...PROJECT CURA India) if you aren't busy stop by the Jay and bid on us (so at least someone does...hell we'll give you the money j/k...or bid on some other available dental, med, OT/PT people.)
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 10,7,12,15 = 44

    I hit all 4 goals today. I got 8 pushups on all rounds except the last one where i only got 7. I could not have done any more pullups or situps but could have gone more on squats. Good to know for next time. Good workout after a rough weekend!
  21. A Says:
  22. Hmmm. Apparently, I missed the point of this workout, and only succeeded in doing well at situps and squats. Sigh.
    4 Pushups
    5 Pullups
    18 Squats
    18 situps.

    Could have done more pullups with a better grip (always my excuse). Have I mentioned that I don't like pushups??? :-) Great job to everyone today!

    AGAIN, I always miss the fun! Paul, have a re-do party so I can attend! You said yourself, that you have plenty of alcohol left! lol
  23. Courtney Says:
  24. This was a great recovery workout!

    I started out to fast on both the sit-up's and squats and ended up fadeing by like the 5th or 6th round of each. I did the same thing the last time we did this too, when will I learn?
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 2-7-11-18 for a score of 38. First time doing Tabata. I look forward to doing this one again, great work by everyone in the 6:30 class.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. 4 push-ups
    8 jumping pull-ups (lame)
    16 squats
    18 sit-ups

    I'm just waiting on those pull-ups to click for me....
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. 4,4,10,10=28

    I made the strategic mistake of starting too low. I managed to get 6 pull ups on 8th round, 7 push ups, 15 squats, 12 sit ups. I know that will come down with more reps, but looking forward to trying this workout again to make some improvements.

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