Are you getting full extension in real time?

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Jimbo (above) and Paul (below) getting full extension.
Look at these two monsters. This was during last weeks sprint and clean workout. Sometimes when the Olympic lifts are utilized during workouts, athletes don't realize whether they are getting full extension or not before pulling themselves under the bar. As I mentioned yesterday, I want you to worry about intensity and let Joe and I worry about technique because of the looks of it CrossFit Omaha athletes got the movement down.


Rest Day!!!

After a week like this past week, you guys deserve a good Sunday off. Enjoy it with family and friends and get rested up for what's to come next week.

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8 Responses to "Are you getting full extension in real time?"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I beat ricky at darts tonight! He sucks! Angela is
    way better!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I beat ricky at darts tonight! He sucks! Angela is
    way better!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Zach R laid Ich 1:06am
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. ...Into Paul's spare bedroom.
  9. paul Says:
  10. That was nasty. thanks to everyone who came over--i had a blast!
  11. Courtney Says:
  12. Thanks for having us Paul, that was one to remember! So much fun!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Fortunately, I remember all of last night and it sure was a lot of fun. Thank God today is a rest day. Thank you Paul for having us over and keeping us entertained! See everyone on Monday.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. i had a blast last night! thanks paul for being a great host, i hope your head heals quickly. i'm so glad we had such a good turnout, we'll have to do it again soon!

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