
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Yesterday's WOD
First and foremost I have to congratulate all of you on a job well done. Everyone of you, even if you didn't feel the greatest tonight, did so well with last night's workout that it was just a cool thing to witness. We have come so far from when we started back in June that it is almost uncanny. I would like to send a particular shout out to some sick fit individuals that did really well last night and who I am very proud of. The first one is Conor Riley, you my man have come a long way and to see you using 135lbs on the thruster and working your ass off was just awesome. The newbie of the week who I have to commend is Lisa Balk. This wonder-woman has only been with us a couple of weeks now and she has seen Fight Gone Bad, last night's crazy workout, a crazy burpee workout, and heavy deadlifts and squats. She has survived all this and is stronger and healthier because of it. Stick with it lady as I see great things ahead of you. Finally, I have to give an awesome shout out to Crystal. This lady sometimes resides in my shadow when it is her that makes me who I am. She has come an eternity from where she was and is only getting better with each day that passes. I know that sometimes she temporarily hates my guts but I could learn a lot from this strong-minded person. Keep it up Crystal as the sky's the limit.

It has been a rough 3 day stretch for some of you, if not all of you. Tonight we will be in the gym working on recovering the body. If you need a day off take one but if you feel like you need to be active but yet need some rest tonight is exactly what the doctor ordered.

Sled Dragging Variations

Sled dragging is great for low intensity GPP (general physical preparedness) and getting blood into the muscles for recovery. We'll be doing many different variations to tax all the body parts we have used the last three days. It'll be a fun and new experience for all of you plus give you a chance to actively recover those sore and aching muscles. I recommend that all of you come in to try the sled drag plus it'll be a nice laid back change of pace.

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