Handstand Pushups

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Can you do hspu's unassisted? Have you worked on them lately? Check out this video of Pat and Annie doing Diane. Monster CrossFitters for sure.

Workout demo - video [wmv] [mov]

For time:
"Half Angie"
100 Pushups
100 Air Squats

You know the routine, full range of motion on both exercises. Demand nothing less than perfection in your execution of both these exercises. Oh yeah, go fast too.

Post your time to comments.

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7 Responses to "Handstand Pushups"

  1. A Says:
  2. Happy Easter to everyone! You guys are all the best, and I am so blessed to have you as friends and hardcore workout buddies!
  3. Melissa B Says:
  4. Happy Easter...9:32...this was post 9.5 mi. run and my push-ups were pretty good for the first 40 or so then the head started to drop and the chicken wings appeared and i made it through the 1st 50 air squats no problem and then the running fatigue kicked in and the last 50 were tough. I've also decided that in addition to muscle-ups and pressing to a handstand, Diane (with unassisted HSPU) are my goals :)...see ya all tomorrow
  5. paul Says:
  6. Happy Easter, everyone! You guys are awesome. Sounds like everyone had a great time Friday night--I REALLY wish I could've been there. I am resting today, but will see you all tomorrow!
  7. Danielle Says:
  8. Happy Bunny Day everyone!!! Hope y'all had a great day and stayed away from the chocolate bunnies :)
    See ya tomorrow!
  9. Ricky Frausto Says:
  10. Hope everyone had a good Easter. As for me Saturday was kind of a waste but today was much better. Thanks to Mel, Angela and Abbey, Joe, and Zach Johnson for coming out last night to Famous Dave's. As for the workout, I don't usually workout on Sat or Sun but I just had to.

    Didn't break up the squats
    Time: 5:11
  11. Nick Says:
  12. Happy Easter everyone!


    I hate pushups!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. 14:38
    The damn push-ups took forever. The last 20 went one at a time. Doing better every day though....

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