Holy S**t Batman

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Yesterday's WOD
You guys are really improving with technique and strength on the deadlift and it showed tonight. I was amazed at the loads being lifted. Keep up the good work and don't ever forget that without strength, technique can and will not manifest itself. If you haven't already, make sure that you post the comments the weight you lifted and for how many reps to yesterday's workout post.

A big awesome shout out to David Paladino (Dino) and the progress this guy is making. He is moving some big loads and is just getting better everday he comes in here. I am truly inspired by his strength, both physically and mentally. Don't ever stop dave as your best days are ahead.

Midwest CrossFit Challenge
I hope you guys are excited about competing coming up this next month. It should be a lot of fun. Right now we have a team coming out from CrossFit Iowa, possibly a team from CrossFit Results in Leavenworth, Kansas, as well as some solo CrossFitters that workout of BoysTown. Who knows who may come in off the street the day of each competition and sign-up. We are still working on finding as many donations as possible for this event, so if you know of anyone that would be willing to donate a prize, food for the competitors, or whatever please give them our contact information. Those of you that will be gone on the 5th will but want to take part in that day's festivities will need to contact me asap so that we can work out a special schedule for you.

UPDATE: Today is a rest/benchmark day if you didn't already know. The workout below was one that I devised for those that came in and wanted to get a solid workout in but not to the point that it would affect tomorrow's WOD. Sorry if this confused you in any way. You still have the choice to rest or pick a benchmark. See you tonight.

Alternate WOD (no longer a race)
Burpee, Jump Pullup, Double Under Race

You will try and muster as many reps of burpees as possible in a two minute time period. You will do the same for jump pullups as well as double unders. You will get two minutes of rest b/w all three movements with the intent of having the highest score at the end of the workout with each rep accounting for 1 point.

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7 Responses to "Holy S**t Batman"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Don't worry everyone. I am not going to be able to make it tonight. It would be really embarrassing for me to get picked last due to me lack of ability in the DU area. Good luck- it looks fun!
  3. Melissa B Says:
  4. I'm glad we got to do the race...Congrats Nick and Danielle...I got 260 (31 burpees, 103 jumping pull-ups, and 126 DU's) and had a great partner in Dave (next time we're going for #1). See everyone tomorrow
  5. paul Says:
  6. Everyone was lookin good in the race. Saw some crazy jumping pullup and DU action!
  7. Addi Says:
  8. Sorry to miss this one - looks like fun!

    Can't wait until conferences are over so I can spend at least a FEW waking moments outside of school. Hopefully tomorrow night I'll be able to make it in.. otherwise, I'll be in Friday for sure!
  9. Steve Says:
  10. holy crap melissa, you almost reached our combined team total by yourself. although i was happy with my performance, i do owe zach a 6-pack for holding him back. hey, every speedboat needs an anchor.
  11. Dave Paladino Says:
  12. Ok, I will admit, Mel is a great partner. I seriously think I am getting the DU's Down. Ricky thanks for the great words of encouragement. I was in Lincoln all day and all I could think about was I got to get back in time for Crossfit.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I think my numbers were 45 burpees, 104 jumping pullups and only 46 DUs for a total of 195. I was very happy with my burpees and jumping pullups and very dissapointed with my DUs. My shoulders were dead.

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