Here is an article written by CrossFit Watertown that speaks to the CrossFit mindset and how we feel about our fitness.
Chasing the CrossFit Dragon
Here is where I leave it all on the floor. Here, at CrossFit Watertown, I sweat, toil, and labor my way through WODs named for heroes and WODs named for beautiful women and WODs that have names like “10 Rounds of Garbage” and “That F**king One" only because I gave them those names. Here is where I swear like a longshoreman, sweat and shake in delirium, and beat myself into the ground with each thruster rep and each horribly inadequate pull-up. It’s penance or punishment. Or more like purgatory. But I need it. I crave it. CrossFit is a drug, like they say. If I was cut off from it, I really don’t know what I would do. At this point, I am willing to throw rocks through car windows and steal spare change in order to feed my habit. I am an addict. Ragged calluses are my track marks.
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Practice handstands and/or handstand walks. Finish by trying to handstand walk anywhere from 100 to 400 meters.
Post to comments how long of a distance you chose and how long it took you.