
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
We are getting more and more athletes that can do muscle-ups, not to mention the ladies who are making it their sole purpose in life to get at least one. You guys really do inspire Joe and I. Your dedication and motivation is crazy sick. I would like to give a big congratulations to Prof. Paul and his four in a row. You guy, are a beast built from the ground up and will only get better with time. We are a special group and it is only a matter of time before the main site hears about CrossFit Omaha and the athletes we are producing.

Here is an article written by CrossFit Watertown that speaks to the CrossFit mindset and how we feel about our fitness.

Chasing the CrossFit Dragon

Here is where I leave it all on the floor. Here, at CrossFit Watertown, I sweat, toil, and labor my way through WODs named for heroes and WODs named for beautiful women and WODs that have names like “10 Rounds of Garbage” and “That F**king One" only because I gave them those names. Here is where I swear like a longshoreman, sweat and shake in delirium, and beat myself into the ground with each thruster rep and each horribly inadequate pull-up. It’s penance or punishment. Or more like purgatory. But I need it. I crave it. CrossFit is a drug, like they say. If I was cut off from it, I really don’t know what I would do. At this point, I am willing to throw rocks through car windows and steal spare change in order to feed my habit. I am an addict. Ragged calluses are my track marks.

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Practice handstands and/or handstand walks. Finish by trying to handstand walk anywhere from 100 to 400 meters.

Post to comments how long of a distance you chose and how long it took you.

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