
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Even though I wasn't there I am stoked about the Fran results. Paul, nice job on the sub 5. To all those that tore the hands up, pour some salt on it and get ready for today. Great job everyone and keep up the crazy work.

Remember that Saturday's are Friends and Family Free days. If you know someone that you think would love CrossFit, have them come in and give us a try free of charge. Even if you don't know any current members but would love to see what we are all about come check us out for free. We would love to have you come workout with us.

For time:
200 meter run
15 Pushups
200 meter run
100 Air Squats
200 meter run
15 Pushups
200 meter run

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6 Responses to "Awesome"

  1. SharkBait Says:
  2. Whats up everyone. Good job on the fran results. I got my first sub 4 min a couple of weeks ago. I just wanna say that I miss working out with you all. Right now, I set up a small little gym in my garage and have been working out there, but its not the same. The one thing I miss is having you all to push me to my limits. Alright, gotta run. Keep up the good work everyone! 3, 2, 1, GO!

  3. Melissa B Says:
  4. got somewhere between 6:07 (trent) and 7:0? (paul)...not too shabby for a sat. am...great job to Rebecca and Heather
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I made it in at a slow 7:35. I dogged the squats today. My hips were feeling really tight (Or there was too much sand in my hooha!) either way I didn't perform to my abilities. Great job on the muscle ups, Paul!!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. i think it was 7:13 or close. great job everyone! way to go paul for FOUR muscle-ups in a row! way to sprint today, trent, you kicked ass! thanks so much to courtney, jimmy, and paul for an amazing night last night. to those that did not attend, you are lame and maybe you can one day redeem yourself. have a great weekend!
  9. Erin K. Says:
  10. I got a 11:57 with taking a kickboxing class right before! NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN! It was a tough one today!
  11. paul Says:
  12. Great work, guys. Just couldn't keep up on the running this morning. I think I finished in 7 flat. Then got 4 consecutive muscle-ups, which i had no idea I was capable of! nasty.

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