Thank You!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
I had a great birthday last night thanks to everyone. You guys were awesome. I had no idea and I am very thankful to have such good friends as everyone that showed up last night. I am sorry that Paul, Zach (and Nicki), and Jimbo didn't get to make it out last night but you guys were remembered. As you probably know the post today only happened because Crystal. Thanks to her I had an awesome night last night and it was especially cool to see Lisa Balk and Greg Peterson (and his lovely wife) there. Thanks to all of you that showed up.

My parents are in town and they will be coming in to workout during the week. I would like all of you to meet them so if you are so inclined we are going to eat dinner at Famous Dave's downtown and would love it if any of you came down to meet them. So consider this an official invitation for anyone and everyone to come down to Famous Dave's and have an awesome meal and meet my parents. We will be meeting there at 6:30pm so if you are available we would love to have you come and sit down with us. Again, thanks for coming out last night and celebrating my birthday with me as I had a sick time. I want to especially thank Alison and Keith for the bottle of Patron. We'll have to break it out at the next CrossFit party. If I don't see you tonight have a great weekend and a Happy Easter and we'll see you on Monday.

3 rounds for time:
"Mini Michael"

400 meter (campus run)
25 back extensions
25 glute-ham sit-ups

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6 Responses to "Thank You!"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. good to see everyone last night.. not so good to get up and come to work this morning. See you Monday.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Sorry i missed last night, Ricky, I heard you all had a blast. Happy Birthday! I was so worn out by FGB that I was in bed by 9:30!

    I got a lot of good practice on the GHD today. I know I'll be feeling it tomorrow.
  5. Ricky Frausto Says:
  6. I believe I have a few of you coming out to Famous Dave's this evening so if you are available feel free to stop by and sit with us. Joe will be out there as well. Thanks again for last night, you guys rock.

  7. kahrs Says:
  8. Had a great time last night, glad you had a good birthday Ricky. Was suprised to see so many people this morning. GHD was a fun change, and the running well that was running.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Well i just have to say that my morning work out didn't happen since i couldn't get Ricky out of bed (wasn't even sure if he was still breathing this morning)!!!

    I want to thank everyone who made it out last night and to those who couldn't make it you missed a great time. Ricky had a blast and was truly surprised. We are very blessed to have such wonderful friends. I have to thank Candice, Dan, Joe, and Blas because if it wasn't for them i wouldn't have been able to do it.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and we will see you all monday!!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. This weekend was great. I'm glad you had a fun night Ricky, even if you paid for it in the morning. Its awesome to have this new CrossFit family to hang out with. Happy Easter everyone.

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