Friends & Family

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Friends & Family Free Saturdays
This little program we have going on Saturdays is for you guys. Yeah, we would love for people who you hang out with to become a part of this family but in the long run it's your chance to get people you know to come in and share in the fun (pain). To bring them in and allow them a chance to meet your CrossFit family. Let's keep that going and see how big our Saturday's can get. Let's fill this place up with lots of people who love to workout and hang out.

Midwest CrossFit Challenge

Just a reminder that our CrossFit games is coming up next Saturday (5th of April) and this will be the only workouts we have on that day. We want everyone that will be in town to be here and take part in the festivities. There are some great prizes already lined up, including a Teeth Whitening ($500 value), Cash Prizes, Gift Certificates to some great places, Medals (1st -3rd), Sonicare Toothbrush, and others being finalized. This is a great chance to have a lot of fun as well as get in some awesome food after the 3pm event.

Muscle-up Mania
Congratulations to Kylie for getting her first two muscle-ups. What a feat of accomplishment. You are a badass, keep up the good work.

Rest Day.

If you come in, I have an awesome Saturday workout planned (whatever that means) so bring in people you know and let's have a blast.

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15 Responses to "Friends & Family"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Finished in 9:13

    I want to thank both Trent and Angela for pushing me during this workout. I have no doubt I would not have finished under 10 minutes without pushing myself during the 100 squats and the last 200 meter run.

    I hope to never have to do a 100 meter lunge again!
  3. paul Says:
  4. That was rough. Actually forgot my time, but I think it was around 10:30. Everyone was FLYING today. Trent, Zach, Angela, guys were just a blur in front of me that I knew I couldn't catch.

    Josh, Addi, those totals, I'm dying to hear how it went!
  5. Melissa B Says:
  6. 100 m lunges was time was the upper limits of 9 min. Great job to Addi, Josh, and Nick for kicking ass and lifting some incredibly heavy weights
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I really wanted to beat Zach today and I knew I had no shot against Trent. I got 9:14 (Ricky said 9:15, but I think I was closer to Zach than that). Sprinting that last 200 was tough- the whole thing was tough I suppose. Fun though. Great work Hannah and Courtney for finishing strong.
  9. Steve Says:
  10. 11:15, thanks to Hannah for pushing me. and i loved the muscle confusion when you transitioned from lunges to running. that's the same disassociation you get when you hit the wall in a marathon or transition from bike to run in a triathlon.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Under 11 min.
    This was my first 5 days of Crossfit in a week...and I am flat out tired. Taking a couple of days off to recoup. See you all on Tuesday.
  13. Dave Paladino Says:
  14. I did not hear Joe when he yelled my time but I was about half a minute behind Jeff. This work out was great becasue it was basically tailored to triathletes. When you went from squats to the run is what it feels like when you get off the bike after 56 miles and start a half marathon. Great Job Ricky and Joe for comming up with a great work out
  15. Melissa B Says:
  16. Here's an article from the NY Times on runner's high, which might explain why we do what we do
  17. Nick Says:
  18. All right Paul, here you go

    squat: 365, failed on 385
    press: 185, failed twice on 195
    dead lift: 402, felt like i could have done a little more

    total: 952

    I will get 1000 the next time I do it!

    As for the benchmark, I am accepting bribes. Whoever wants to buy me drinks and get me drunk enough to tell you what it was is fine with me haha.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. I'm really glad I showed up today!! I liked the workout. I didn't hear a time but I heard Amanda's and it was 11:10 so I don't really know I mean, it was lower than that. The lunges did kick my arse!

    Nice work everyone.

    Benchmark for next week....hummmm where you going to be tonight Nick? :)
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Nick you are insanely strong! Great job on the total. That is F-ing crazy!
  23. paul Says:
  24. Beautiful, Drago! I knew over 900 was in the bag for you. 950 is serious!
  25. kahrs Says:
  26. Not near as high as Nick, but I am very please with these numbers.
    Squat: 235,255,265
    Press: 110,125,135
    Dead: 300,315,325

    Was very happy with this, think I could have pushed Squat and Deadlift more, but all were PR's.

    All I remember about Addi's is Deadlift after her three attempts she did 242 I believe, so that didn't count toward her total. It was very impressive.
  27. paul Says:
  28. Josh and Addi--NICE WORK! Addi: Dl 242! That's incredible! frustrating it didn't go into the total. Josh--325 is pretty sick. Congrats on getting PRs on all of those!

    I don't know what it is, but the CF Total is such an institution that I get really excited about it. Kind of like Fran.
  29. Addi Says:
  30. DL - 235. Got 242 on the fourth attempt - it didn't count, but it was still pretty damn exciting.

    Back squat - 175, failed on 185

    Press - 80, failed on 85

    For a total of 490. Would have liked to hit the 500 mark..

    That 242 would have bumped me a lot closer. Also, I've PR'd on 185 previously, so I feel like I should have ha it. Just need to whip that upper body strength into shape, and it's in the bag.

Thanks For Visiting!