
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
UPDATE: Most everything is back in working order as you may have noticed. If there is a link on the this site or our other site that is not in working order please send me an email at so that I can address it. Thanks for your patience in this matter. (updated Thursday, March 13 @ 2:53pm)

Here is a tip sheet I pulled from CrossFit Vancouver on nutrition. The rules are simple, as they should be since having good nutritional intake is not very hard. See how many you follow and let everyone know by posting the numbers you have to the comments section. There are others but try getting all eleven of these first.

Eat to get strong, fast, powerful, and lean.

In no order of importance;

1. Cut out calorie containing drinks

You can reduce your daily calorie load significantly and also boost your metabolism at the same time if you limit your drinks to water, and green tea… green tea is a known as a metabolism booster. Remember to mix your high sugar juices with 8 parts water.

2. Eat fat to burn fat

Fats have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-carcinogenic and anti-catabolic compounds. Try to consume 25-35% of your calorific needs from fats and keep your fats at a ratio of 1:1:1 Polys/Monos/Sats. Avoid trans fats and “hydrogenated” fats.

Polyunsaturated fat (safflower, sesame, soy, corn and sunflower-seed oils, nuts and seeds)
Monounsaturated fat (olive, canola and peanut oils, avocados)
Saturated fat (animal fat)

3. Eat little & often and avoid big meals

Eating often will ensure your body is always getting the macronutrients and micronutrients it needs, this will speed up your metabolism and keep you healthy. You should be eating 3-4 small meals per day w/ 2-3 (zone type) snacks. Have your coach look at your past five day meal breakdown & avg. caloric intake and comment on what a small meal is.

4. Never starve yourself

If you starve yourself your body will breakdown muscles for fuel and maintenance, less muscle results in less calories burned, your body will go into survival mode to conserve energy supplies (fat), your metabolism will slow down until you cave in mentally, and you end up gaining more fat than you had in the first place. Aim for 500 Kcal deficit each day. Periodization & patience is the key

5. Watch your Carbohydrate intake

Try to consume most of your green leafy vegies around training times. Keep your daily carbohydrates mostly from fibrous vegetables and limited whole grain sources. Avoid sugars and starchy carbs like muffins, cakes, and chocolate

6. Visit Crossfit consistently and exercise/play sports regularly

Our workouts burn calories (large amounts) - not only during exercise, but also after. More muscle mass means more calories burned, so come a couple more times this month. Get outside and do something!

7. Set realistic goals

Setting realistic goals can be a great way to motivate yourself and keep you going during the "hard" times. If you are clearly carrying too much body fat, aiming for 1-2 lb of fat loss per week is a good goal. Realize this doesn't mean your total body mass will necessarily decrease. Expect your muscle mass to increase with corresponding and often higher levels of fat loss.

8. Water & Hydration

Dehydration impairs intensity, strength, endurance and stamina. Water helps cleanse the blood of toxins released during the breakdown of fat cells. Keep well hydrated, try to consume at least 4 to 5 litres of water each day

9. Eat protein with every meal and snack

Get a good source of protein with each meal and snack. Essential amino acids are needed to maintain and build muscle mass.

10. Keep a bowl of fruit handy.

11. Moderate your alcohol intake.

There really isn't much point in having more than 3-4 drinks in any one is there?? smile

If you didn't get to see the nutritional video by Nicole Carrol of CrossFit Santa Cruz, here it is again in a different link (it may only be part 1, I'm not sure).

Nutritional Teeter-Totter

Rest/Benchmark Day

Now that we have started this whole come in on your rest day to do a workout, you want keep in mind that my WOD after a rest day will only take into consideration that it is following a rest day. I am not discouraging you from coming in as I am really enjoying this new format that you guys have created but just a reminder, if you need a rest day take one. Even if it isn't during one of our rest days.

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4 Responses to "Food"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Definitely need the rest, but just played some leisurely basketball. Awesome!

    I watched the vid and read the article--I have been trying to get a good proportion of macronutrients. I'm pretty good about getting enough protein, but every now and then I eat too many carbs (usually in the form of chocolate or alcohol).

    I have noticed that CF is a lot harder on days when I don't eat a good lunch. I'm trying to minimize those days.

    See you all tomorrow.
  3. Melissa B Says:
  4. Just your friendly reminder that 2 of your favorite Crossfit gals are being auctioned off to the highest bidder Friday night @10pm @ the Jay. There is a $5 cover (all going to Project CURA India) and $2.50 drink specials (beers, shots, wells). So get your butt kicked at Crossfit, eat from the approved Crossfit menu, and then get your 3-4 Crossfit allowed drinks @ The Jay; please
  5. Nick Says:
  6. did Helen today outside on the track.

    3 rounds of
    400 meter run
    21 1.5 pood kettleball swings
    12 pullups

    time 8:54

    This was pretty brutal and very mental! I came about the closest to puking since joining crossfit. This is a good one to have under my belt though. Got a basketball tourney in Hastings this weekend, have a good one everyone and see you next week
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 3 rounds of:
    25 med ball slams
    10 cleans (73#)
    (1 min rest)
    5 tire flips
    12 sledge hammers
    (1.5 min rest)
    10 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)
    5 bench (I got up to 100# I think)
    I didn't time it tonight, but it was hard. I went with higher weights since I wasn't sprinting.

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