
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
5:30 class post swings-pushups WOD. You guys are awesome and such a pleasure to coach. Do you know anyone in this picture? Ask them about us and how you can become a part of this amazing group.

Spend ten minutes working on pistols, using one of the variations from the linked video or maybe one that you have come up with on your own. Try and get as efficient as you can in this ten minute period. Follow this, or anything else you do today, immediately with :

100 Air Squats for Time

Post what you did today and how long the squats took you to comments. See you Monday.

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2 Responses to "Together"

  1. paul Says:
  2. 2:31 on squats. my legs were jelly after, but after some rest I did some deadlifts.

    hope everyone's having a nice weekend.
  3. Addi Says:
  4. This picture cracks me up - it looks like Mel and I are holding hands, and Josh is running his hand through Zach's hair... It's such a special bond we all share...

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