Three's Company

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
And Crystal, what is that in your hand?

New Discussion Forum: I have implemented a new forum for all of you that wish to participate. Joe and I greatly encourage you to become a member and start posting as soon as possible. There are different categories for you to post on but the main one or two are the workout log and the nutrition log. Start a new thread with your name as the title and each and everyday that you come in post in the forum what you did, how long it took you, and how you felt about it. The same goes for nutrition if you so choose. This is a great opportunity for you guys (and anyone else out there who follows CrossFit/CrossFit Omaha) to further our community and cohesiveness. Start up new topics, post replies to old ones, and basically talk about anything you want to. Plus if you have any questions you want to ask Joe or I this is the place to do it. I will check it often and answer any and all that are relevant. Again, I not only encourage you to post to the comments section but also to keep a workout log in the forum for everyone to see. Have fun with it and let's see where you guys can take this. Our gym as well as Joe and I are not what make CrossFit Omaha. You guys are CrossFit Omaha. Without you we are only another gym like all the others. Thank you and keep up the great work.

10 Rounds for Time
100 meter run
12 Deadlifts
21 Situps

Scale the load and/or rounds if necessary. Go no heavier than 135lbs for the gents and 95lbs for the gals. Remember the damage that can ensue should you focus on speed before setting that back for every rep of deadlift. The deadlift doesn't hurt people, shitty technique hurts people. Oh yeah, and have fun.

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4 Responses to "Three's Company"

  1. paul Says:
  2. I really hate to miss anything with deadlifts, but I am definitely due for a rest day after the last three WODs!
  3. Addi Says:
  4. I am going to try to make it in... I have to see how much work I have tonight...
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Great job to everyone!! This WOD rocked! I'm glad we had the 3 min rest half way thru. See ya'll tomorrow.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. hey, I forgot to get my times for this one. I could barely see straight afterwards let alone remember my times. Great WOD today!! see you guys tomorrow!

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