Awesome New Friends

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Jenika, Joe, and I before her and Robyn (pictured below) left for the airport after the gathering. Jenika and Robyn are co-owners and trainers at CrossFit Westside in beautiful (or so we heard) Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada. They are some of the coolest people we have ever met and hope to reunite either here in Omaha or up in Canada.

Rest Day!

We'll see those that have not gone three straight tonight. Great job to everyone that made it in yesterday.

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7 Responses to "Awesome New Friends"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Hi Ricki and Joe,

    We had a great time getting to know you guys!! You guys are awesome! We look forward to coming down and seeing your gym soon.
  3. paul Says:
  4. 8 rds. used 125 for push presses. actually, my shoulders could've handled more, but when i let it down, my back wanted to bend backward. I focussed really hard on keeping abs tight, and it got a little better each time, but I didn't want to make it worse by adding more weight.

    nice work, everyone. 6:30s seemed off to a good start when I left.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 12 rounds even. used 135 for push presses. I wish double unders could be incorporated into every workout haha. I'm probably alone there. anyways, good workout, great job everyone.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 10 rounds even. used 115 for push presses. DUs were much tougher than I thought they were going to be, must need some more work on them! Good work on the push press, Paul and Nick! See everyone on Thursday.
  9. paul Says:
  10. 115 ain't too shabby, Zach!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. This was tough, but great. I started with #95 and Joe bumped me up to #105 halfway through the workout. double unders are always hard, but getting better. The lunges were a little awkward, but a great workout for those stabilizing muscles. Every time I carried the Dumbbell in my left hand I almost fell over, didn't have that problem on the right side. I must be a little asymmetrical. sheesh this turned into a long comment. Total rounds: 8 2/3
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. That is a horrible idea Nick, are you crazy? I will stop coming to Crossfit if double-unders are in every workout!! Ha, like any of us could stop even if we wanted to. Crossfit is too addictive.

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