New Logo

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
As you may have already noticed, the header above is different. We are in the process of getting a permanent logo in place as the one above is a rough draft just to give you an idea of what we are looking at. It will be a unique logo that fits us perfect. This logo will then be put on shirts and sweatshirts and anything else you desire. Again, keep an open mind as what you see above is only the vision and not the final product. It will be sick.

Last nights workout was amazing. I love that you guys are so adamant about keeping form and always striving for perfection. We have some imperfections but who doesn't right? The SDHP's were very good and I am glad to say that you guys are a special group to work with. Definitely athletes.

8 Rounds for time
100 meter sprint
8 Hang Power Cleans

Great technique and sprinting. The cleans will take care of themselves but can you sprint, truly sprint, every round?

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2 Responses to "New Logo"

  1. paul Says:
  2. CONGRATS, JIMMY! Jimmy was a rockstar in today's WOD.
  3. zj Says:
  4. 18:25 and 95lb cleans.
    Then 100 air-squats for time 2:38.
    Then ring dips.

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