Getting Better

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Nick is getting better everyday that he comes in. His muscle-ups are improving so much that he was able to do a workout with them in it. Keep an eye out for this guy.


4 Rounds for time
Max time - Pushup Bridge
30 Jumping Squat

Pushup bridges are done by holding the top portion of the pushup for the required amount of time. In this case you will place the hands in front of the head, the further in front the better, and hold it for as long as you can. Jumping squats are completed by fully squatting and then jumping as high as you can for each rep. Focus on height for each jump as opposed to cycle time.Post total time and how long you held each bridge to comments.

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5 Responses to "Getting Better"

  1. paul Says:
  2. yesterday sounded nasty (in every sense of the word)! hated to miss it. i am back in fighting form and will be in tomorrow ready to rock.

    everyone is doing so well, in and out of crossfit! you guys all inspire me!
  3. Courtney Says:
  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
  5. zj Says:
  6. 45s,45s,45s and 70s. 15:49 total.
  7. A Says:
  8. Total time 16:40
    1st bridge: 5:08
    2nd bridge: 1:20
    3rd bridge: 2:40
    4th bridge: 3:03
  9. Courtney Says:
  10. Total Time 8:24
    1st Bridge 1:01
    2nd :52
    3rd 1:00
    4th 1:03

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