The Gathering

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
We learned a lot and came away with a fresh and inspired outlook on where we want to go with CrossFit Omaha. Those that will benefit most will be you guys who show up everyday and give it your all.

2 rounds for time
50 Snatch Balances (empty bar)
40 Pushups
30 Hang Squat Cleans (75#/55#)
20 Pullups
10 Heavy Jerks

Scale where necessary. Practice textbook technique while also keeping intensity high. Jerks can be push or split. Notice that all three Olympic variations require you to keep your torso upright (as though you have heels, butt, and shoulders on a wall at all times) throughout the dip and drive portions as well as complete opening of the hip before pushing or pulling oneself underneath the bar.

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8 Responses to "The Gathering"

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. wow! awesome work today! 16.03 for the first, 35.39 for the finish. 25 lb-snatches, 45 lb-hang squat, 65 lb- heavy jerks
  3. paul Says:
  4. 14:02 for round 1, finished 32:10 (including the 3min rest). I actually really liked that. It was painful, but it felt like the kind of thing that's definitely going to make me stronger and improve stamina. used 95 for the jerks. my lower back makes it hard for me to do jerks without a split, but they felt better today than the last time.

    Congrats to everyone for just surviving that one!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 15:10 and 37:20. this is why i like X-fit... i want to be pushed and i want to be surrounded by people who push themselves.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 12:00 and 31:04 including 3 minute rest. A very tough but good workout. the 10 jerks were somehow easier in round 2. Pushups continue to kick my butt. Good work today by all.
  9. Addi Says:
  10. 10:50 or so for the 1st and 29:10ish for the finish, with 4-minute rest. I was on the scaled, and added 5 reps to a few for the second round. Still, it felt good, and the pushups didn't even make me want to die. So, that's progress, right?
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Not sure what it was about this one but it took me forever. Did it as RXed, not sure what first round time was but total was 40min and change. Shoulders are still my weak point.
  13. zj Says:
  14. 12:48,32:00 including rest and as prescribed.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 12:16 and 29:09 with a 3 minute rest as prescribed.

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