Coach Rip!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Introduction to the Bench Press, Mark Rippetoe - video [wmv] [mov]

Another hard one. I devised this workout a while back because of the lack of a true benchmark with the use of a jump rope, we have one with running (Helen), and we have one with rowing (Christine). I had originally thought to use single-unders as most could do this without stopping and with good speed but there are some of you that are very good at double-unders and therefore that will be the method of choice. If you are not that good at double unders you are permitted to use single-unders for this one. Have fun.

3 Rounds for Time of
50 Double-Unders (or 200 single-unders)
12 Front Squats (bodyweight)
21 Burpees

Scale where necessary, especially the front squats.

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10 Responses to "Coach Rip!"

  1. Nick Says:
  2. couldn't make it in last night, had to attend an AA meeting for psych. rotation (yeah!) but i did "annie"
    Double Unders
    time = 6:50

    can't make it in tonight, going to the bball game in Lincoln. I did this one ("Beverly") at the gym at school. It was brutal, bodyweight front squats for 12 reps was not happening so I did them at 185 lbs. and the burpees were incredibly tough too.

    time = 16:28

    hope everyone enjoys this one, see you tomorrow.
  3. paul Says:
  4. 13:55 (scaled--135# front squats, and a combo of DUs, singles, and tuck jumps).
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 16:48

    3 rounds:
    50 DUs
    12 135# front squats
    21 burpees
  7. kahrs Says:
  8. 17:48
    50 DUs
    12 135# Front Squats
    21 Burpees

    DU's got much better the last round, front squats unbroken till 10 of the last round only 2 fingers holding the bar up. The only thing holding me back were the DU's.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Well, I still hate double unders. I could have had a respectable time if I cheated or scaled more, but I didn't. I don't even know what I ended in, like 30 damn minutes.
  11. Unknown Says:
  12. angela, i respect your persistence! didn't make it in today, the body just needed a rest. but i think melissa and i are going to do this one tomorrow afternoon because i've got work tomorrow night. not gonna lie, i'm scared, i'll let ya know how it goes!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. 19:22 Did 90 for front squats and scaled the DU's to 35 (since i have to put singles in between each DU) and the burpees were brutal as always. Looks like everyone did well. See ya'll tomorrow!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Oh sweet Crossfit, how I have missed you so!! Great that I got to do Burpee's for the first time in a long time last night Yee Haw! So I did this in 18.22, everything was scaled because I am "special" 200 singles, 65 (I think) on front squats, and 15 them :)

    Great Job everyone! See you tonight.
  17. Melissa B Says:
  18. So Kylie and I went in Thur and did this one...took me 14:10 and I only used 85lbs for the squats (but in my defense I gave blood yesterday)...I'm headed to Seattle tomorrow for the weekend...see ya all on Monday!
  19. zj Says:
  20. 20:24, 135lbs and 50,35,35 for DUs. I'm making progress on DUs and someday they won't ruin my times.

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