Always in Pursuit of a Better Snatch

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Dan and Zach displaying their efforts at acquring the best possible snatch. Hope you found what you were looking for. Great work to the rest of you that showed up last night as well.

Sickness vs. Fitness and everything in between.

3 Rounds of:
1 minute of max reps box jumps (18")
1 minute of max reps DB push press (30/20)
1 minute of max reps KB swings (1.5p/1p)
1 minute of max reps pushups
1 minute of max reps lunges
1 minute of rest

You will take the total reps of all the exercises added together to get your score. Scale where necessary. I encourage you to give everything you have while trying to keep form breaking down to a minimum. I am looking forward to seeing who can get the highest total. It may come down to who can better manage their pushups.

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11 Responses to "Always in Pursuit of a Better Snatch"

  1. Unknown Says:
  2. 125, 112, 114=351
  3. Melissa B Says:
  4. 109-110-109 = 328...i think this was my favorite in a long time but a tough one...and again i shouldn't eat baked cheetos and m&ms before Xfit (when will I learn)
  5. paul Says:
  6. At least the cheetos were baked!

    I got 390. That was an awesome one, but really tough. Hope to do it again sometime.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Very tough but exactly the kind of workout I was looking for. My shoulders were on fire after all those power snatches yesterday. 3 round total of 377.
  9. zj Says:
  10. Aside from not being able to do more than 26 box jumps this wss awesome. And by awesome I mean I really wanted to quit in the middle and afterward felt incredible. 362. Tovar the Beast got 463. Damn.
  11. Courtney Says:
  12. Got 284 and did ball slams inplace of the DB push press. Great job tonight guys!
  13. kahrs Says:
  14. 346 this was tough but I enjoyed it. Sounds like everyone did well.
  15. paul Says:
  16. Whoa--Tovar, that is sick!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. This was the first WOD that I really wanted to quit during the middle and go home. I didn't, but I wanted to!
    I got 335 I think. Push-ups slowed me down as well as the box jumps.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. 100, 90, 80 =278
    Not my best. Push press got me and had to go to 17.5lbs for round 2 & 3. Great job everyone!!
  21. Steve Says:
  22. 257 total

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