A Very Merry 2008

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
The Box Squat. Here Zach shows exceptional form say for the elbows could be higher which would upright the torso even more. The box squat has many benefits including the one we are using it for. Zach recently had knee surgery and the box squat places the majority of the stress on the posterior chain and if done correctly none on the knees. During the box squat you actually are going to sit on the box at the bottom relaxing the hip flexors (breaking the eccentric-concentric chain) while maintaining mid-line stabilization through the spine at all times. Once the hip flexors are relaxed, explosively contract them and spread the floor with your feet driving the shoulders then hips into the starting position. As you can see the box squat can both be used for rehabilitation and building explosiveness. A movement that should be in everyone's toolbox.

I hope everyone had a safe and exciting new year. It is now time to get back to work. Feeding your body the right kinds of fuel and building that fitness back up. We will scale where necessary but you can be sure that we won't hold anything back. If you were thinking about checking us out now is the best time. We are rapidly growing as our advertising department (our clients through word of mouth) has been in overdrive. Come see what we are all about and/or what we can do for you in the new year.

Rest Day!!!!!

The class schedule has been updated for January so be sure to check out any new changes for the first month of the new year.

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