T-Shirt Challenge

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
I have a proposition for everyone that comes in this morning or tonight. The WOD for today is very much manageable but I want to see who can get through each exercise without stopping. What I mean is, once you start an exercise can you get through it without putting the bar down, etc. The reward, a CrossFit Omaha T-shirt of your choice (one male & one female). Tiebreakers will go to the fastest time (break-down of form can and will be a disqualifier). So just because you have the fastest time if your technique falters because speed of movement is your focus you may miss out on getting a shirt anyways (example: consistently not locking out on either the push press or air squats and taking the kettlebell through the full range of motion).

Let the games begin!

5 Rounds for time:
7 Push Press (135#/75#)
15 KB Swings (1.5 pood (or 55lb DB)/1 pood (or 35lb DB)
30 Air Squats

You don't have to be at prescribed weights in order to qualify but you do have to challenge yourself in the weights you choose. It has to be considerably heavy for the push press but at the same time choose a weight you can potentially complete 7 consecutive reps without having to put the bar down. Same goes for swings, although I believe everyone is capable of using the prescribed weights for this movement (Tovar has to use the 2 pood).

So the workout is laid out for you. For all five rounds can you get through each movement without breaking it up into sets. You may even pause between movements in order to catch your breath but remember that the tiebreaker is the fastest time. Good Luck to all and may a few of you meet:

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4 Responses to "T-Shirt Challenge"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. OHH I want that T-Shirt, but I cannot make it tonight :( I will be there on Saturday, so I can't wait to hear who the winner winner chicken dinner is!! Good luck to everyone.
  3. Melissa B Says:
  4. Allison- you're a champ...smacked in the face and still top finisher!!! AWESOME
  5. A Says:
  6. no, no. it's a tie. heavier weight may even trump a bloody mouth. :-) Nice job today!
  7. paul Says:
  8. what did I miss?!

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