Here is an article written by Jon Gilson of Again Faster. It covers the notion of mechanical perfection vs. relative intensity. There are CrossFitters out there that are only concerned with how fast they can finish the workout (instant gratification) but at the same time there are als0 CrossFitters that think you can't workout with high intensity without form breaking down (usually novice), that they don't co-exist. Read the article and post your thoughts to comments.
The Non-Negotiability of Perfection, Jon Gilson-Again
10 Rounds for time:
7 Burpees
100 meter sprint
Fast and Furious. Try not to break up any of the burpees (a broken set is any considerable pause at the top or bottom of the burpee). Post time and during what rounds you broke up any of the burpees (post the word "unbroken" next to your time if you didn't)