CrossFit Santa Cruz

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
I am a huge follower of CrossFit Santa Cruz's Blog. They consistently put out tremendously thought out workouts that always seem to contain just the right mix of challenging movements while keeping the variety interesting. It is the CrossFit site that I check most, even more so than the main site. The main site's programming focuses primarily on benchmark WOD's along with a new and challenging workout here and there but the CrossFit Santa Cruz site pushes the limits on variety and the concept of broad time and mixed modal domains. Today's WOD exemplifies this such methodology and therefore will be the workout that we have fun doing, of course with some modifications to fit our needs.

UPDATE: There will be no class offered at 10AM this morning. Sorry for any inconvenience.

5 Dumbbell Deadlifts
5 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans
5 Dumbbell Push Jerk
5 Dumbbell Squats (hold dumbbells on your shoulders)

Start with moderate weight dumbbells and perform the progression, without ever setting the dumbbells down between exercises. Go up in weight and repeat the progression. Keep using heavier dumbbells until you cannot do the progression.

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2 Responses to "CrossFit Santa Cruz"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Worked up to 45's, thought 40 would be my limit, think I might have been able to push it to 50. I liked this one mainly becuase I am fairly decent at all of the movements.
  3. paul Says:
  4. Nice work, Kahrs! I got to 45s as well, but some of the jerks were UG-LY. Gotta work on flexibility for that movement.

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