Quick and Fun

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Chris Improves his Push Jerk with Rob Miller - video [wmv] [mov]

Good job on the double unders for those that did them. As for you that are tuck jumping, you are getting too good at them and need to suck it up and learn du's. Maybe we'll spend a whole day on double under technique. Have fun with this one and have a great weekend as well.

For time:
100 Empty Bar Thrusters

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1 Response to "Quick and Fun"

  1. Courtney Says:
  2. Well I tried to make it in today guys, but the mall called me just as I was leaving and needed me to work a couple of hours. So, I spent some quality time working on double under's when I got home. Wound up doing Annie with tuck jumps (I just can't seem to get a cycle going on the du's) and finished in 12:33, the situps really slowed me down. Anyway's, I hope thrusters went well and I will see you all on Monday.

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