
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Tovar showing correct posture at the top of the deadlift. With the top of this lift, any overhead press, and/or squatting you must maintain a neutral spine throughout. This is especially important when the stress of the load is supported directly down the spine as is shown in this picture. When correct posture is not maintained the problem usually lies in overactive hip flexors. This causes an anterior pelvic tilt which in-activates both the glutes and abdominals. This anterior pelvic tilt causes the lumbar spine to support the load bone on bone which can cause chronic pain over time. When the gluteals and abdominals are not used correctly you will have trouble with many other exercises as well such as pushups for example. Remember this the next time you are lifting a load in any manner or even when just walking.


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9 Responses to "Posture"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. 9:28, or something like that. better than last time, but not easy! ricky, we're watching american gladiator at home and melissa and i feel that you would kick ass at it. something to consider...
  3. Melissa B Says:
  4. 5:48...Fran is not a rest day!!!!!
  5. A Says:
  6. OMG. I completely agree! Watched it too. I think we should sign up both Joe and Ricky...
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Yea I had a whole plan laid out for my rest day work and it did not include Fran. Anyways finished in 9:10, the first time and it was tough.
    And yes I think they should sign up for AG also.
  9. paul Says:
  10. i am behind the gladiator thing 100%. we gotta get these guys some sponsors. warren B?

    5:47 fran, which was worse than last time (5:39), but Ricky gave me 15 seconds bonus because the bar dislodged on the last set of pullups and i slammed into the floor. the entire left side of my body is bruised, especially my elbow. i didn't know it was possible to have the wind knocked out of you when you can't breath anyway.

    yeah, all in all, a typical CF rest day.
  11. A Says:
  12. Oh Paul! I am so sorry to hear of your disaster! What a trooper to keep going, man. Still my hero...
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Something like that would only ever happen to Paul. Hopefully it won't slow you down too much.
  15. zj Says:
  16. 8:14. That was my first unscaled girl WO and it made me hungry for more.

    Paul, something about you airborne in any fashion makes me smile.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. 8:40 - fran (unscaled)

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