Often Forgotten

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
First start with the toes pointed out a bit (comfortable) then allow the knees to track directly over the feet. This keeps the knee joint in a biomechanically safe path as well as recruits the adductors to help with the ascent of the squat (cue to push the knees out).

3 Rounds for Time
15 Hang Snatch Squat
Walking Lunges, 100ft
30 Pullups

Scale where necessary. Those of you who can do pullups but only a few at a time will drop the reps to a more manageable number that allows you to preserve the stimulus of workout. Don't speed up the lunges unless you can keep them perfect and you know how Joe and I feel about Olympic lifts so take your time and make sure they are textbook with a deep squat on every rep.

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4 Responses to "Often Forgotten"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Ouch. Looks like Ricky and Joe are still keepin at you guys. The weather here in Quantico has been beautiful, but I still wish I could be working out there with you. Good luck with this workout. I'll be trying to get some crossfit in when I'm not out in the field, and I'll be thinking of Omaha.
  3. A Says:
  4. It is now my goal to, in some way, shape or form, always bleed as a direct effect of a Crossfit workout. Battle wounds are cool. :-) This one was really tough for me, as I don't do well with any kind of overhead squat. Someday I will grasp the concept of hip involvement in O lifts. Getting better, slowly. Pullups were cruel today. See you all tomorrow!
  5. paul Says:
  6. That was a tough one, and my hands are a mess. But that was a really good snatch tutorial. Form-wise, I think that's the best snatches have ever gone for me.
  7. Melissa B Says:
  8. I'm sad I missed this one...gonna try to get to Thursday's workout....strong work...miss ya

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