Check these out!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Want a bumper sticker to show off your commitment? Check out

I know that the majority of your hands are in no shape to be grabbing onto anything so take this day off to get them back in working order. Use the neosporin, let'em air out, and we'll get back to work on Thursday. If you missed Sunday's workout you better get your backside in here and catch up. Inspiring work on yesterday's WOD, keep it up.

REST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check out these pix on CrossFit Iowa's website of Crystal and I working out with their crew. Another thank you to Tim and Angie Starmer for their awesome hospitality.

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5 Responses to "Check these out!"

  1. paul Says:
  2. day? I was ready with my very own tape.

    Those bumper stickers are awesome. I also have been thinking I'd have a shirt made that says 'I'd Rather Be Deadlifting.'
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. smoke you like cheap it!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. smoke you like cheap it! it made me crack up in the library!
  7. A Says:
  8. I was sadly relieved to have a rest day. Hurt to pick up the coffee pot this morning. My sore hands are trumped by even more sore arms. Yay pullups! :-) I look forward to tomorrow...
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Great job to everyone! Don't you just love wall balls?!!!

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