New Main Site

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
I have been working on a new web page so that some of the information that potential clients are looking for is a little more organized. If you haven't already noticed, someone new to the site wouldn't know where to begin.

For this reason will take you to this new site while the blog will still be under If typing in still takes you to the blog be patient as I am in the process of forwarding the domain name over to the new site and it may take some time. The blog will also be accessible through this new website. I would love any information on what you think should be on this new site as you are the customer and need pertinent information about what CrossFit Omaha is, how to get started, pricing structure, etc. Maybe the homepage of this new site needs to be a little different. Let me know as it is a work in progress.

Today is going to be a true rest day. If you want to come in and work on something please feel free to do so. There will be no set WOD unless you want us to write you one up. Neet to work on pullups? Please come in and we'll help you with it. Pretty much open gym.

REST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

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6 Responses to "New Main Site"

  1. A Says:
  2. Nice work on the new site, Ricky! Looks good!
  3. Melissa B Says:
  4. Great job today guys!!! sorry about the attitude; i was psyched to do a muscle up and the VERY disappointed in myself for ladder burpees!
  5. paul Says:
  6. CONGRATS MELLY MEL AND LIBBY FOR GETTING MUSCLE UPS!! Alison, you are way closer than you think. If I can do one, you can--think about me trying to do a cartwheel and you will know this to be true.
  7. Melissa B Says:
  8. Gracias were my inspiration :)
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Everyone did a great job today, a lot of good work for a rest day.
  11. A Says:
  12. You guys all did such a great job today! WAY TO GO MEL AND LIBBY!!! I am very jealous...Just have to keep working, I guess. Wimpy, wimpy... Mel, you did a great job as my burpee partner. :-) And don't feel bad, my muscle-up temper tantrum was not so cool.
    Paul, thanks for the encouragement. It means a lot!
    See you all tomorrow!

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