Full Extension

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Full Extension. Not only in med ball cleans but pretty much in everything we do.

Reminder: Saturday's Classes will run at 8 & 9 am as opposed to 9 & 10 due to the wrestling tournament being held on campus. Remember that parking in Elmwood park is also a possibility.

5 Rounds for reps:
As many box jumps (18") as possible in 1 minute
Rest 20 seconds
As many med ball slams as possible in 1 minute
Rest 20 seconds

Tally up all the reps from each round to get your score. We haven't done mb slams in a while. Take a look at this demo (Ball Slams...[wmv][mov]) but have in mind that our med balls will bounce so the squat may not be as deep. The goal of box jumps is a fast cycle time so jump-offs from the top is ideal, but only if you are capable.

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7 Responses to "Full Extension"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. At the risk of jinxing myself, this looks like a fun one.
  3. Melissa B Says:
  4. wish i was there instead of on a couple extra for me :)
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. This one was a lot of fun, and quick. Perfect for a Friday!!
    116 x jumps
    175 x slams
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. This was a good work out, showed me that I need to work on box jumps a lot more.

    115 x jumps
    207 x slams
  9. A Says:
  10. I enjoyed this one. "Ribs in" helped a lot. Finally figured out box jumps.

    Great job everyone. See you 8:00...
    Good grief that's early for me! :-)
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. This was a great WOD. Great job to everyone!

    Jumps/Slams 121/201
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. 185 jumps
    225 slams

Thanks For Visiting!