Clean & Pull

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Crystal doing some pullups right alongside Sara S. (CrossFit Iowa) while we were in Des Moines visiting.

DB Squat Clean
Weighted Pullups (Use one of the db's from squat clean)

You are allowed to kip with db if needed. Scale for pullups is as follows: 1. lighter dumbbell, 2. no dumbbell strict pullup, 3. Slight kip to initiate movement but finished with strict form, and finally 4. Uncycled Kipping Pullup (you may kip but you can't chain them together, only one at a time). Hope those hands are all healed up.

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5 Responses to "Clean & Pull"

  1. paul Says:
  2. I found that very hard cardio-wise. I felt good until about halfway and then the higher reps of cleans started really tiring me out. But my hands didn't get any worse, so I'm happy.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I was really surprised at my pull ups today. They weren't as pretty as they could have been, but I expected less "chin over the bar" and more suffering. Surprisingly though, I did okay after taking almost a full month off from pull ups. I was astonished at how poor my clean form got half way through the workout. I tried to clean it up at the end, but they were a lot harder than I thought they'd be. I was using 27.5's (I should have gone a little higher...just a little though) See you guys tomorrow!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I liked this one, my pull ups felt really good. The cleans went well, kept noticing I wasn't on my heels 100% of the time, think I could have went up 5 pounds as I didn't have to break any of the set up.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I wish I could have made this one. Will definitely be there tonight!
  9. A Says:
  10. Sorry to have to miss last evening. As much as I HATE running, I am looking forward to this change of pace. A very slow pace for me, I might add. :-)

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