A Change of Pace

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
You guys were awesome last night. I think the cleans were the best they have been, collectively as a group anyways. Everyone seems to be getting stronger as evidenced by your pullups. Some of you had to be happy with what you accomplished in that workout, especially the pullups.

It has been a couple of rather heavier days with little movement (running) so as a change of pace we are going to simplify the workout and make it fast. Have fun with it and as always, convince the mind and the body will do anything you tell it to.

5 Rounds for time
400 meter run
25 Pushups

Should you need to scale the pushups, scale the reps not the actual pushup. If you can only do 1-4 straight pushups scale to 15 for the workout, if you can do 5-9 straight do 20, and 10 or more will do all 25. The pushups are to be considered your stop between running so I want to see the 400's run in times faster than you think possible. It is very easy for some of you to jog the run thinking that no one is looking but the only person you should be worried about looking is the person that already knows you are jogging. Take that for what it's worth.

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8 Responses to "A Change of Pace"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Great Job today! 530 and 630 classes. I need to get better at running. see everyone tomorrow...I hope.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Today was tough, we haven't ran for a really long time and I can tell. The run seemed not be as painful at the end though. I am ready for a rest day.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Yeah, rounds 3 and 4 were miserable. But I feel great now. I'm also psyched to try more pushups with my palms sideways. Crazy!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 15:19 with 20 push-ups. tough, but it made me realize i need to do a little more running. finished the push-up with reps: 8-7-5.

    allison: i liked your shirt today.
  9. A Says:
  10. Have I mentioned how much I hate running? It was really good today. I enjoyed being forced to run. Starting mechanics helped a lot.
    I really am trying to get the elbows close to the body in pushups. It deteriorates at about 5. Very sad. HIPS UP!
  11. A Says:
  12. Good job today everyone. You guys are running fools! Kylie: thanks for the compliment. I liked your shoes. Where'd you get them? :-)
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Today was really tough for me. I need to work on those damn push-ups. Thanks for all your support, I needed it.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I hate pushups...or at least for right now. Today was tough but a good change of pace after two strength days. Good work everyone and yes that includes Angela!

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