
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
I hope everyone is having a grand old time visiting family and enjoying the holidays. This is an awesome time of year that should be spent with those that are close to us. I couldn't wish for a better group of guys and gals to have a part of CrossFit Omaha. I hope that everyone is enjoying themselves and for a safe trip home as well. We will be waiting for you....................

For time:
50 Double Unders
10 Jumping Pullups
35 Wall Ball
15 Jumping Pullups
30 Wall Ball
20 Jumping Pullups
25 Wall Ball
25 Jumping Pullups
20 Wall Ball
30 Jumping Pullups
15 Wall Ball
35 Jumping Pullups
10 Wall Ball
50 Double Unders

How many times can you hit the target? Will you count the ones you miss? Guys use 20# while girls use 15#. No access to wall ball? Substitute jumping squats with a 45lb barbell. (squat deep and jump through the heels the whole time). If you can't do double unders then its tuck jumps for you.

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