Soo True!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
This shirt is being sold on the Catalyst Athletics website (home of the performance menu journal). It really does expose the truth.

Just a reminder that we will be closed Christmas Eve as well as Christmas Day but will reopen on Wednesday the 26th. The first class on that day will be at 10am with the evening classes remaining the same except for the 7:30pm class which will now begin at 7pm. We will maintain the 10am class until the 11th of January.

Practice Skill Transfer Exercises for the Clean
Front Squats 5-5-5 reps (deep squat-elbows up)
Muscle Clean + Full Clean + Hang Power Clean x 5 sets

Any time remaining will be spent on glute-ham situp technique

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5 Responses to "Soo True!"

  1. paul Says:
  2. That shirt is hilarious!

    I didn't do much today (Friday), but tomorrow I'm hitting the gym right after breakfast. No glute-ham developer at the box gym, but maybe I can improvise. Either way, I'll do the cleans and front squats.
  3. paul Says:
  4. Did the cleans. Tried to work on technique. Got up to a set of 4 full cleans at 155, but I wasn't really pulling myself under it very well. Then I did L-pullups, front squats, hip extensions, and dips. No real metcon, but I didn't rest much the whole time.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend and wonderful holidays!
  5. A Says:
  6. Alison's Holiday Flu WOD
    12 Rounds for time
    5 Single-arm DB Snatch (only had 25#)
    10 DB swings (25#)
    15 walking lunges

    On round 7, stop to puke. Resume WOD.

    Time: 11:01. Not a good idea if you actually have some sort of flu virus.

    Had fun, in a sick way. Thought I would keep the flu-like disease to myself, and not infect you all. Merry Christmas to everyone!
  7. paul Says:
  8. 11:01 including puke time?! That's amazing!
  9. A Says:
  10. lol. bear in mind, it was scaled and not a huge puke-fest. gross. :-)

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