How's your rowing?

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Row Corrections Part 1: Greg Hammond, CrossFit Journal Preview -
video [wmv] [mov]

I have a love/hate relationship with the row as it is a very demonic tool. This not your typical run of the mill exercise machine where there is a tv in connected to it while you pull with little to no intensity. The only monitor on this thing is the one telling you that you still have 600 meters left to go during your 1000 meter row. The funny thing is most people think you just get on it and slide in and out and pull the handle, easy cheesy. Just as in the deadlift or any other pull from the ground, you better have your squares in check or you will get your shit kicked in during the first 300-500 meters of that 1000 meter row. You might still get it done but that intensity you first started out with went right out the window and now you are stuck with a 5-6 minute 1000 meter row when it could of been under 3 and a half minutes or less depending on your height. Technique is everything, even when rowing. Visit the main site and watch the rowing videos. Try and learn what I am talking about and we'll give it an ol' midwest try the next time your in.

Check out the new video of Joe and I along with Ichiro and Amanda doing the CrossFit Total. It's under the video section on the right hand side. We'll give it a try sometime as a group.

As many rounds in 15 minutes:
8 stair runs (or 200 meter run)
10 med ball push presses (guys 20#/girls 15#)
12 lunges
15 box jumps (24")

finish with (not included in the workout):
"L" Hold work

Work on technique and getting better. Scale the L holds by bending the legs and keeping the knees above the bottom of the hips. The time you can hold it is less important than the being able to hold it perfectly part.

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7 Responses to "How's your rowing?"

  1. A Says:
  2. Great video!
    I miss you all, and will hopefully see you tomorrow! Got a lot of comments on my Crossfit t-shirt in NC. :-)
  3. Melissa B Says:
  4. I opted for 200m run and 16 lb ball...I finished almost 5 rounds (I was on my 8th box jump of round 5). I think I would have finished 5+ rounds if I didn't have to start up the treadmill every time. I was tired at the end but as usual I could have pushed harder (misjudged how short 15 min was)
  5. Melissa B Says:
  6. o i forgot...i finished up with a 13 sec L hold...the fraggle legs work against me on this one :)
  7. Addi Says:
  8. I was looking forward to this one, but I think I'm going to have to miss tonight.. Just found out today that my next two weeks of plans are due TOMORROW. Apparently, I need to read memos a little more carefully.

    Maybe I'll run stairs between plans. More likely, I'll be running downstairs for more wine/vodka/food, but it still counts, right?
  9. paul Says:
  10. 100 burpees: 8:15. Tomorrow I'll go back to that gym and work on L-holds (maybe L-pullups?), and try to do the WOD. I do it all for you (plural).
  11. A Says:
  12. Wow, Paul! Way under 9:00! That's awesome.
  13. paul Says:
  14. thanks, dude!

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