Right before Fast

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
I have mentioned not only on this site but on my training blog and to you guys in class as well on the importance of maintaining the integrity of the movements first and the intensity with which you workout second followed by keeping them both simultaneously. There are many guru's out there that bash CrossFit because of our utilization of complex movements with high reps including but definitely not limited to the Olympic movements. I don't really care what these other people say as I understand human physiology and have lots of experience working with many different populations. I emphasize and address the importance of corrective exercise and the respect that must be given to these exercises. For example, if you don't respect the deadlift, especially with moderate loads at higher reps, it will make you pay. I also tell you that a half-ass movement or incomplete movement does not and will not count towards your required reps. This is clearly seen when people are doing thrusters and wall balls. You may only go as fast as you can fully lockout the bar overhead in the thruster or hit the target perfectly with wall balls everytime. Forget the time you just got on Fran as it really didn't count if you didn't lockout on any of the reps. Or you can count it but you better count it as a scaled workout. I say if your going to do it do it right and check that ego in at the door because I only demand perfection. Because I know that with perfection comes more efficient movements and with efficient movements comes faster times and with faster times comes the elite fitness we are all striving for. The progression has to follow in this exact order or you will either get injured or looked at as the one that has unbelievable times but cheats.

"Franlanta" - video [wmv] [mov]


Rest Day!!!!!!

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