Saturday Team WOD

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Great job to everyone who showed up yesterday and finished the workout. It was great to see everyone, especially after the workout were you were more likely to talk to Joe or I. Just thought I would post a reminder to everyone about Josh & Addi's Christmas Party next Saturday. I hope everyone that is able to, shows up for a great time. Even if you just started out we would love to have you.

Before I post the workout, let me start out by saying that these exact reps are not set in stone. I would like to have a team workout that has 5 members to each team (2 teams) but if this is not the case we will change the reps and/or exercises to maintain two teams.

For time
500 Pushups
400 Kettlebell Swings (1.5 pood/1 pood)
300 Tire Flips (3 flips count as 1 rep for gents)

Partition the reps as needed between team members as only one person from each team can be working out at any time. You must complete all the reps for one exercsie before moving on to the next. Use any strategy available so long as every person is involved.

Hope to see as many faces as we did yesterday as this one should be a lot of fun.

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4 Responses to "Saturday Team WOD"

  1. paul Says:
  2. That was a really fun one. It was an honor and a pleasure to be on the Friends' team!
  3. Ricky Frausto Says:
  4. I had a lot of fun working with you guys and I know I should of only had 2 flips for every one for the guys (maybe even just a flip per rep) but next time I'll know better. You guys rule and I look forward to next week's get together. Props to Melissa and Angela for carrying the boys through the tire flips. See you Monday.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Hated to miss this one but had a CPR class,it looked really fun
  7. Melissa B Says:
  8. Good times...I think I push myself harder when it's a team effort. My biceps are tore up...seriously looks like someone beat me :)

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