Those tire flips!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
After a while this what my grip was yelling as well as the skin being torn from my shoulders and arms. Lot of fun though.

20 Rounds for time
6 Lunges (three each leg)
6 Situps
10 Mountain Climbers (five each leg)

Go fast and hard and post your time to the comments section. Lets see who can post the fastest time. Remember, only the best lunges, situps, and mountain climbers count in terms of technique.

Post your thoughts about the comic as well!

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3 Responses to "Those tire flips!"

  1. paul Says:
  2. 10:38.
  3. A Says:
  4. 7:54. Banged my knees on the bamboo floor about a dozen times during lunges. No pain, no gain. I LOVE workouts like this!
  5. Melissa B Says:
  6. 10:01

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