Recovery Time No More

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Joe and I had a crazy fun time on Saturday spending time with everyone and getting to know who we really train. You guys are a lot of fun and definitely what make CrossFit what it is. If you have any non-incriminating pictures from the Christmas party email them to me and I will post them for all of us to download and enjoy.

It would be safe to say that Sunday was a time for recovery as most of us, at least the people I talked to, didn't do much today. No more of that as we get back to the real fun.

In regards to class times for the holiday break we are going to add a morning class in addition to our regularly offered classes starting December 26th as there will be no classes held Christmas Eve and Day. This morning class will be offered up until January 11th. If you have any questions please do ask.

We will spend the majority of the class working on the clean & jerk as I really want to focus on getting everyone better at the Olympic lifts before we put them into any more workouts. Your profeciency at these lifts is my number one priority and so we will spend more time at the beginning of classes either working on them or at least using skill transfer exercises during the warm-up.

5 Rounds for time:
30 Thruster (55#/45#)
30 Inverted Rows

Scale where necessary. For the inverted rows place your feet on a 12 inch box and touch your upper body to the bar. The rep does not count if the body does not touch the bar. Scale by placing the feet on the ground, bending the legs at a 90˚ while they are on the floor, and/or lastly by using a band for added assistance.

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2 Responses to "Recovery Time No More"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Did a modified version of yesterday's. 3 rds for time: 30 tuck jumps, 30 PUs, 20 80lb cleans (with a bag of rock salt), 30 PUs. On the last round, the bag (plastic) kept slipping out of my hands, so after 7 of those I did 30 more tuck jumps. 22:14.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 21:57 Inverted Rows killed me, I enjoyed this one for some reason though.

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